Friday, May 15, 2015


A. In 8:00 or less,work to a 1RM  overhead press.
rest 4-6 minutes
B. AMRAP of overhead press @ X010 @ 85% of part ‘a’ weight.
C.@ Z1
row 800 meters
hollow plank X 30 seconds
10 hindu push-ups
active hang 30 seconds
ring FLR 30 seconds
crab crawl 1 lap
run 800 meters
*compare to 11.14.14

A. work up to a heavy single DL (maybe max, maybe not)
B1. HSPU (strict-belly towards wall) X 3-6 X 3; rest 30 seconds
B2.front lever variation X 8 seconds X 3; rest 15 seconds
B3.straddle PNF X 30 seconds X 3; rest 60 seconds
*compare to 11.14.1

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