Wednesday, May 06, 2015


A.AMRAP in 12:00
row 50 cals
50 push-ups
50 jumping lunges (alt)
B.pigeon PNF X 45 seconds ea; rest as needed
C.pec PNF X 30 seconds ea;  rest as needed
D.straddle PNF X 90 seconds
E.loaded dorsi stretch X 45 seconds each

A.For time
21-15-9 reps of--
OHP @ 95/55
burpees over the bar
30/20 strict pull-ups
B1.hamstring good mornings X 6 ea X 2 w/ 30 second hold on final rep; rest 20 seconds
B2.pec PNF X 20 seconds each X 2; rest 20 seconds
*Pull-ups begin after all reps of OHP and burpees are completed.
**Barbells are taken from floor (no racks).
***Strict press.

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