Tuesday, June 19, 2007


burpees X 20
35lb dumbbell thrusters X 40
sit-ups X 60
squats X 80
sit-ups X 60
35lb dumbbell thrusters X 40
burpees X 20
Sally, Ronald, Johnny, Judy, Charles

95lb hang power clean/hang high pull

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Cleans 5 X 5

Weighted Dips 5 X 5

Chris, Ronald, Judy, Sally, Garrett, Charles


Max Rounds in 20:00
handstand push-ups X 5
55 lb dumbbell swings X 10
walking lunges X 20
**Every 5:00 minutes the alarm sounds and you drop what you are doing and take off for a 300 meter sprint. Pick up where you left off when you get back to the grind. The clock never stops.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


7 rounds for time

run 300 meters
squats X 30
pull-ups X 11

Adelaide, Chris, Garrett, Charles


5 rounds w/90 second rest between each round

dumbbell military press X 3
plyo push-ups on steps X 5

The athletes attempted to increase weight for the military press each round. The objective was to go from a heavy, standing frontal plane press to an explosive press on the floor. Force production and rate of force production were developed. The primary metabolic pathway used was the creatine phosphate system.


agricultural abs--
max rounds in 6:00
farmers walk w/ dumbbells less than or = to 100lbs each
sit-ups X 21

constant abdominal contraction w/ locomotion + hard and fast torso flexion = FUN!

Johnny, Judy, Danielle, Courtney, Sally, Ronald, Charles (did deadlift after class instead of military press)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Random Workouts

Here are a couple of workouts I've done on my own the last few weeks:

W/ my buddy Jim--
5 rounds for time:
run 400 meters
push-ups X 25
pull-ups X 15
225lb deadlift X 5

@ Episcopal all by my lonesome--

a) track intervals
400m-600m-800m w/2:30 rest interval
rest 5:00
low carb cindy (based on Cindy from CrossFit)
max rounds in 20:00
10 pull-ups
15 push-ups
20 squats
After a little rest, 3 more slow 400s (though not for lack of trying).

This was pretty much overkill.


dumbbell clean & jerk 11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
flying burpee 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11

Perform 11 c&js and 1 burpee. Then 10 c&js and 2 burpees. Keep going.

prescription was 40lb dumbbells

This was terrible.

Judy, Chris, Sally, Stephen, Adelaide, Charles


run 800 meters
pull-ups X 25
dumbbell thrusters X 35 (20lb dumbbells)
sit-ups X 50
run 800 meters
pull-ups X 25
dumbbell thrusters X 35 (20lb dumbbells)
sit-ups X 50

Adelaide, Chris, Sally, Charles