Friday, December 21, 2007


Turkish Get-Upside Down

for time--
25lb turkish get-up X 20 (10 ea side)
squats X 50
handstand push-ups X 21
pull-ups X 30
turkish get-ups X 16 (8 ea side)
squats X 60
handstand push-ups X 15
pull-ups X 20
turkish get-ups X 12 (6 ea side)
squats X 70
handstand push-ups X 9
pull-ups X 10

Butch, Jordan, Kelly, Tamara, Emile, Clay, Misty, Charles


5 rounds w/ 2:00 rest between rounds

heavy dumbbell thrusters X 5
1 arm dumbbell power snatch (floor to overhead) X 3 each arm
standing broad jumps X 5


max rounds for 3:00
partner 1 bear crawl
partner 2 6 inch static hold until partner 1 returns
switch, rinse, repeat

Josh, Stephen, Misty, Peggy, Tamara, Kyle, Danielle, Clay, Lisa, Chris, Gus, Butch, Jordan

Friday, December 14, 2007


tabata dumbbell swings (55lbs)
tabata burpees
**Alternate between swings and burpees, 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds (16 rounds total).

rest 2 minutes

tabata squats
tabata push-ups
**Alternate between squats and push-ups with the same protocol as above.

rest 2 minutes

partner rope-sit

partner 1 performs 15 sit-ups
partner 2 jumps rope until partner 1 is finished
Continue alternating this cycle for 5 minutes.

Danielle, Sylvia, Peggy, Josh, Jordan, Clay, Kyle, Patrick, Charles


Clean technique rehearsal


With a continuously running clock, perform one manmaker the first minute, two the second minute, three the third, etc. Do this until you can't beat the clock. 25-30lbs is plenty.

**Don't perform the row normally done with a manmaker. I have eliminated it for the sake of speed.


A few sets of planks.

Monday, December 10, 2007


For Time
100 squats
90 push-ups
80 sit-ups
70 walking lunges
60 dips
50 double unders
40 pull-ups
30 dumbbell swings w/55lbs
20 burpees
10 handstand push-ups


35lb dumbbell thrusters X 50
vertical jumps X 10
35lb dumbbell thrusters X 30
vertical jumps X 30
35lb dumbbell thrusters X 10
vertical jumps X 50

Friday, November 30, 2007

Character Builders

Here are a few interesting workouts I did on my own last week.

GI Jane (from the main CrossFit page)
This is 100 burpee pull-ups for time. I estimate my pull-up bar was 8-8.5 feet tall.
200 meter sprints X 5 w/90seconds in between intervals.

3 rounds for time
run about .75 miles
70lb heavy bag cleans X 20
push-ups X 50
squats X 50

**Right before the LSU/ Arkansas game. The fatigue and endorphins softened the blow (a little).

Long time no post

I apologize to the three and a half people I pay to read this blog for not posting our recent workouts. No excuse, just a "my bad." Here are a few recent ones:


deadlift 3-3-1-1-1
5 rounds
v-up X 15
push-up X 15
sit-up X 15


3 rounds for time

squats X 50
push-ups X 40
dumbbell swings X 30
pull-ups X 20
flying burpees X 10 (do a broad jump instead of a vertical jump)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


maximum rounds in 20:00

dumbbell push-press X 5 (40lb dumbbells)
walking lunges X 10 (5ea leg)
sit-ups X 15

Stephen, Dawn, Danielle, Dwayne, Josh, Butch, Charles

Thursday, November 08, 2007


5 rounds of ...

heavy dumbbell thrusters X 3
tuck jumps X 5

Perform one round of thrusters and one round of tuck jumps. Rest about two minutes and repeat four more times.


dumbbell swing breathing ladders

Dawn, Butch, Dwayne, Jordan **Dan did Monday's workout with 35lb dumbbells for the manmakers.


8 rounds for time

30lb manmakers X 7
walking lunge aprox 20 yards
sit-ups X 14

Stephen, Dawn, Butch, Peggy, Patrick, Dwayne, Jordan, Danielle

Wednesday, October 31, 2007



body weight deadlift

If necessary, modify the weight on the deadlift. Call me at 288-7208 with any questions. Class will be back on schedule on Monday. Have a great night!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Part A
max rounds in 10:00
standing broad jumps X 5
40lb 1 arm dumbbell clean & jerk x 10 (5 ea)

Part B
team push-ups X 150

Part C
team static holds/sit-ups

Peggy, Jordan, Butch, Patrick, Stephen, Dwayne, Dawn, Charles (only team stuff)

Let me know if I messed the reps up on this one. I accidentally erased the workout and my memory is taking a vacation.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


For Time--

run 800 meters
dumbbell swing X 100 (30-35lbs)
push-ups X 100
squats X 100
run 800 meters

Dawn, Stephen, Butch, Patrick, Josh, Peggy, Dwayne, Danielle, Jordan, Charles


For Time--
burpees X 25
pull-ups X 50
sit-ups X 100
35lb dumbbell thruster X 50
burpees X 25

Patrick, Stephen, Peggy, Butch, Dwayne, Jordan, Charles

Thursday, October 18, 2007


maximum rounds in 20:00

handstand push-ups X 5
40lb dumbbell hang squat clean X 7
burpees X 9

Dwayne, Butch, Josh, Patrick, Emile, Jordan, Brandon, Dan (45lb dbs), Charles (later)


deadlift 3 sets of 5

dumbbell thrusters 3 sets of 5

Stephen, Peggy, Josh, Jordan, Dwayne, Butch, Emile,

Thursday, October 04, 2007


overhead press 5 X 5


3 rounds for time

10 handstand push-ups
20 burpees
30 pull-ups
1 lap farmers walk w/ dumbbells equal to body weight
40 sit-ups (glute ham preferably)

Jordan, Butch, Jim, Dwayne
**Some athletes scaled back the rounds.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


5 rounds for time

run 400 meters
walking lunges X 30
dumbbell push-press X 15 (dumbbell wt equals 1/2 your body weight)

Patrick, Butch, Dwayne, Peggy, Dawn, Jordan, Stephen (did Linda from CrossFit)

Thursday, September 27, 2007


maximum rounds in 20:00

20lb turkish get-ups X 6 (3 each side)
push-ups X 12
squats X 18

Josh, Butch, Peggy, Dawn, Stephen, Dwayne, Jordan, Danielle

Monday, September 24, 2007


3 rounds for time

burpees X 21
handstand push-ups X 21
sit-ups X 21
pull-ups X 21
dumbbell swings X 21

**Some athletes scaled this according to their abilities.

Peggy, Christina, Josh, Stephen, Dawn, Butch, Peggy(2), Jordan, Dwayne, Charles

Friday, September 21, 2007


back squats 3-5 sets of 5

dumbbell overhead press 5 sets of 5

Plenty of rest between sets.

Sit-up races and ladders

**If you are new to all of this, use very light weight and work on perfecting technique. If you are competent in the movements, add weight to each set while staying within the 5 repetition rep scheme. For the sit-ups at the end, see how fast you can get to 100 regular sit-ups or 50 glute ham sit-ups.

Dwayne, Peggy, Judy, Butch, Jordan, Emile, Charles


40 lb manmakers X 21-15-9
glute ham sit-ups X 9-15-21
pull-ups X 21-15-9

**The first round looks like 21 manmakers, 9 sit-ups and 21 pull-ups. The second round is 15 of everything. You get the picture.

Jordan, Peggy, Butch, Dwayne, Charles

Sunday, September 16, 2007


All Messed Up
RX: 40lb dumbbells
Do ring dips if you have rings.

dumbbell hang squat clean (DHSC) X 30
dips X 20
pull-ups X 10
dips X 20
pull-ups X 30
dips X 20
pull-ups X 20


run 400 meters
50 squats
30 handstand push-ups
run 400 meters
75 squats
20 handstand push-ups
run 400 meters
100 squats
10 handstand push-ups

Saturday, September 08, 2007


This is one I did by myself. Feel free to give it a go.

3 rounds for time

run 800 meters (aprox)
135lb back squat X 21
pull-ups X 21
ring dips X 21(I used those straps that hold people up while they are doing that knee swinging stuff).


5 X 5 or 3-3-1-1-1


run 300 meters
10 burpees
rest 1:00
run 300 meters
7 burpees
rest 1:00
run 300 meters
5 burpees

Speed, speed, speed!

Dawn, Stephen, Butch, Dwayne, Judy, Peggy, Jordan

Sunday, September 02, 2007


At Episcopal High School

maximum rounds in 20:00
run 400 meters
squats X 30
burpee pull-ups X 10


Dawn, Dwayne, Dan, Stephen (Cindy), Charles

Have a good Labor Day. See you Wed.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Well, they're all free. It just sounded very promotional.

Sunday September 2
Episcopal Track
Episcopal is in the Woodland Ridge subdivision off of South Harrell's Ferry Road. Go all the way down Woodland Ridge Blvd past the bridge and the school is on the right. Turn right onto the street immediately after the school and make another right into the parking lot. You'll see the football field (and track) off to the side. The pull-up bars are magnificent!
Call me @288-7208 or email me @ if you need better directions.


5 rounds for time

4oom run
40lb dumbbell thrusters X 15

Dwayne, Butch, Peggy, Stephen, Christina, Josh, Jarvis, Charles

Monday, August 27, 2007


Tabata intervals(:20 on :10 off X 8) of the following:

55lb dumbbell swings


4 directional static holds

Sunday, August 26, 2007

It's Ab Day!

A number of recent conversations have gotten me thinking (dangerous, I know) about the infatuation our culture has for visible abdominal muscles. Sandwiched somewhere between celebrity gossip and the iphone is a really profitable industry catering to the abdominally challenged. While I have no idea how much Suzanne Somers or any of her cronies make off of the abysmal waste of perfectly good plastic they hock on late night TV (that would require research), I bet it's a lot! Let's take a look at why we have abdominals and, if you are so inclined, how to get everyone else to see that you have abdominal muscles.

The main purpose of the abdominal musculature is to stabilize the spine, thus facilitating our ability to walk upright. With regard to functional exercise (the stuff we do), the abdominals act as stabilizers, many times under heavy loads or for longer periods of time under sub maximal loads. Understanding this is paramount. Once you understand what they do, it becomes obvious how to train them.

I am not a proponent of training muscle groups. I think that, and the fake tanning industry, are the two worst things to come out of the bodybuilding culture. When you train basic human movement patterns (squatting, picking stuff up, pushing stuff, pulling stuff, etc.) you train the abs because YOU CAN'T DO THESE THINGS WITHOUT THEM! When you perform the above movements under heavy loads, or fast, or a combination thereof, or hold the body in a mechanically "underprivileged" position, you're training the abs. Even better, you're training the abs in a functional way because they are working in tandem with the other parts of the body (as they are meant to).

This brings us to the erroneous assumption that the rectus abdominus, transverse abdominus and obliques, which makeup the abdominal musculature, are anomalies in the muscle world and are developed by doing 14,000 crunches while watching "Desperate Housewives." Negatory, good buddy. Work 'em like everything else, loaded, with a big range of motion and with mechanically difficult positions (i.e. static holds). Here's a list of some movements that do the trick--

squat (all varieties)
big sit-ups (especially glute ham)
hanging leg raises
static holds
the wheel
presses while standing
cleans and snatches
running (not jogging)

That's enough for now. In a future post, I'll delve into how to make certain that everyone knows you have abs. Until then, the next time someone asks you how much longer you'll be in the squat rack because they've got to use it to do the 27 sets of curls prescribed in the Scandinavian arm and hair volume training method, just tell him "Buzz off, I'm blasting my abs!"

Thursday, August 23, 2007


the rx--
2 rounds for time
55lb goblet squat X 30
sit-ups X 30
walking lunges X 30
handstand push-ups X 30
L pull-ups X 30

Dawn, Danielle, Angelle, Judy, Peggy, Butch, Steven, Josh, Jordan, Michael, Charles

Monday, August 20, 2007


5 rounds for time

run 400 meters
burpees X 15
pull-ups X 17

Peggy, Josh, Dawn, Judy, Steven, Danielle, Charles


back squat 5 X 3

dumbbell overhead press 5 X 3

sit-ups and other stuff
1:00 @ each station
knees to elbows
decline sit-ups
glute ham sit-ups
back extensions

Steven, Dawn, Sally, Judy, Peggy, Charles

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


for time

run 400m
35lb dumbbell clean and jerk X 21
burpees X 21
pull-ups X 21
run 400m
35lb dumbbell clean and jerk X 15
burpees X 15
pull-ups X 15
run 400m
35lb dumbbell clean and jerk X 9
burpees X 9
pull-ups X 9

Steve, Sally, Judy, Charles

Monday, August 13, 2007


20 rounds for time--

55lb dumbbell swing X 5
push-ups X 10
squats X 15

Dawn, Steve, Bill, Danielle, Adelaide, Judy, Charles

Saturday, August 04, 2007


I have written a workout for your enjoyment in my previous post. See you Wednesday.


Workout for Monday

5 X 3 of overhead press

(That means 5 sets of 3 repetitions. 90 seconds in between sets.)


tabata squats
Squat (no weight) as fast as possible for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence 8 times. DON'T pace yourself (unless it's your first time). I'll see you Wednesday!


max rounds in 20:00

run 300 meters
7 burpees
14 pull-ups
21 sit-ups

Bill, Kelly, Dawn, Judy, Danielle, Steve, Michael, Brock, Charles


Wednesday, August 01, 2007



split jerk

Judy, Barry, Michael, Jay, Dawn, Charles

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


3 rounds for time

run 400 meters
handstand push-ups X 17
squats X 50

**FULL range of motion on the handstand push-ups (nose to ground, full arm extension) and squats.

Friday, July 13, 2007


5 sets of 3 reps

dumbbell thrusters
maximum distance standing broad jump

**Superset the thrusters with the broad jumps. Rest 90-120 seconds between supersets.

aprox 300 meter farmers walk w/ 50-100lbs dumbbells

tabata sit-ups (8 rounds of :20 of work w/:10 of rest)


5 rounds for time

run 400 meters
35lb manmakers X 11
pull-ups X 15

Monday, July 02, 2007

Multi Level Makin' Me Mad!

**Rant Font On**

I feel it is my duty as a rookie Internet blogger and self-proclaimed fitness blowhard to offer my opinion (i.e. the truth) on an increasingly disturbing social epidemic. This incredible infringement of my rights to work in my private office (i.e. the coffee shop of my choice) has finally put me over the edge. This poisonous infection that is strangling the caffeine enjoying public is known as multi level marketing (aka the devil).

As I write this moderately witty, spell-checked banter, I am in the midst of some sort of weight loss gimmick convention. Some of "them" are wearing some sort of badge with "slim...something" on it. The guru to these unfortunate, middle-aged ladies is a twenty something personal trainer looking type guy. I can't quite tell if they want to be buyers or dealers. Where's a narc when you need one?!

Something has got to give! How am I expected to develop thoughtful, balanced, excruciatingly difficult workouts while being forced to listen to the benefits of hoodia or the latest Oprah endorsed fitness miracle. The weird thing is that these MLM people always want me to sell their stuff. I've been invited to sell everything from soap to financial services to an exciting new interactive experience. I don't know what the last one is, but it doesn't sound legal outside the state of Nevada.

If anyone who sells this "slim...something" product or any of these other goofy money making schemes reads this blog, please do the following:
1) Get out of my office (I was here first and you know it).
2) Before you try a diet pill that has to place warnings concerning explosive diarrhea on it, try reading Art DeVany's stuff. Or just exercise and eat less junk.
3) Quit trying to get me to sell your laundry detergent, make-up, male enhancement formulas, mail enhancement formulas (freakin' postal service), or miracle thigh cream.
4) Have a great day! Gotta end on a positive.

Thank you. I feel much better. Trim Spa, baby!

**Rant Font Off**

Stuff I haven't Posted Yet

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to post last week's workouts. I could provide a myriad of excuses, but I won't. Here's what went down:

40 lb 1 arm dumbbell snatch X 30
handstand push-ups X 30
pull-ups X 30
run 400M
40 lb 1 arm dumbbell snatch X 20
handstand push-ups X 20
pull-ups X 20
run 800M
40 lb 1 arm dumbbell snatch X 10
handstand push-ups X 10
pull-ups X 10
run 400M

deadlift X 3-2-2-1-1-1 (2:00 recovery interval)
tag team partner 1 performs 25 sit-ups
partner 2 holds a grown up plank until p1 is done
**repeat 4 times

max rounds in 20:00
sprint 300 meters
40lb dumbbell clean X 10
dips X 15
pull-ups X 20

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


burpees X 20
35lb dumbbell thrusters X 40
sit-ups X 60
squats X 80
sit-ups X 60
35lb dumbbell thrusters X 40
burpees X 20
Sally, Ronald, Johnny, Judy, Charles

95lb hang power clean/hang high pull

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Cleans 5 X 5

Weighted Dips 5 X 5

Chris, Ronald, Judy, Sally, Garrett, Charles


Max Rounds in 20:00
handstand push-ups X 5
55 lb dumbbell swings X 10
walking lunges X 20
**Every 5:00 minutes the alarm sounds and you drop what you are doing and take off for a 300 meter sprint. Pick up where you left off when you get back to the grind. The clock never stops.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


7 rounds for time

run 300 meters
squats X 30
pull-ups X 11

Adelaide, Chris, Garrett, Charles


5 rounds w/90 second rest between each round

dumbbell military press X 3
plyo push-ups on steps X 5

The athletes attempted to increase weight for the military press each round. The objective was to go from a heavy, standing frontal plane press to an explosive press on the floor. Force production and rate of force production were developed. The primary metabolic pathway used was the creatine phosphate system.


agricultural abs--
max rounds in 6:00
farmers walk w/ dumbbells less than or = to 100lbs each
sit-ups X 21

constant abdominal contraction w/ locomotion + hard and fast torso flexion = FUN!

Johnny, Judy, Danielle, Courtney, Sally, Ronald, Charles (did deadlift after class instead of military press)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Random Workouts

Here are a couple of workouts I've done on my own the last few weeks:

W/ my buddy Jim--
5 rounds for time:
run 400 meters
push-ups X 25
pull-ups X 15
225lb deadlift X 5

@ Episcopal all by my lonesome--

a) track intervals
400m-600m-800m w/2:30 rest interval
rest 5:00
low carb cindy (based on Cindy from CrossFit)
max rounds in 20:00
10 pull-ups
15 push-ups
20 squats
After a little rest, 3 more slow 400s (though not for lack of trying).

This was pretty much overkill.


dumbbell clean & jerk 11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
flying burpee 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11

Perform 11 c&js and 1 burpee. Then 10 c&js and 2 burpees. Keep going.

prescription was 40lb dumbbells

This was terrible.

Judy, Chris, Sally, Stephen, Adelaide, Charles


run 800 meters
pull-ups X 25
dumbbell thrusters X 35 (20lb dumbbells)
sit-ups X 50
run 800 meters
pull-ups X 25
dumbbell thrusters X 35 (20lb dumbbells)
sit-ups X 50

Adelaide, Chris, Sally, Charles

Friday, May 25, 2007


OH Squat 5 sets of 5 w/at least 90 second rest interval

aprox 150 meter sprint X 6 w/aprox 60 second rest in between

Sprint progression looked like this:

#1 60%
#2 70%
#3 80%
#4-#6 80%-100%

Adelaide, Ronald, Chris, Sally, Jordan, Charles


3 rounds of the following w/ a 1:00 rest in between rounds

burpees X 1:00
sit-ups X 1:00
55lb dumbbell swings X 1:00
handstand push-ups X 1:00
squats X 1:00

Chris, Jordan, Judy, Adelaide, Sally, Charles

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


run 400m
40 lb dumbbell hang squat cleans X 30
pull-ups x 10
run 800m
40 lb dumbbell hang squat cleans X 20
pull-ups X 20
run 400m
40 lb dumbbell hang squat cleans X 10
pull-ups X 30

Chris, Cody, Sally, Jordan, Adelaide, Judy, Charles

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


deadlift X 5-3-1-1-1 w/ 90 seconds between sets

split jerk X 5-5-5-5-5 w/ 90 seconds between sets

100 sit-ups

Jordan, Judy, Johnny, Chris, Sally, Ronald, Adelaide, Charles

Thursday, May 10, 2007


3 rounds for time

pull-ups X 20
dips X 40
squats X 60


alternate sit-ups or v-ups for :30 w/ a :30 static hold X 10 (5:00 total)

Joe, Judy, Sally, Chris, Adelaide, Charles

Bon Voyage, Joe! We'll miss the inspiration (at least for a few months).

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


The one where the bear ran off with my lunge.

3 rounds for time

30 1 arm dumbbell snatches (15 each) w/ 40 lbs
bear crawl (3 trips)
walking lunges X 30
run 400 meters

Ronald, Sally, Adelaide, Chris, Judy, Joe, Heather, Lance, Charles

Saturday, May 05, 2007


5X3 dumbbell thrusters w/90 seconds rest between sets

maximum rounds in 15:00 of...
5 burpees
10 squats
15 sit-ups

Ronald, Chris, Johnny, Lance, Jordan, Heather, Adelaide, Sally, Charles

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


3 rounds for time...

400 meter run
55lb dumbbell swings X 21
handstand push-ups X 21

Ronald, Joe, Chris, Jarvis, Jordan, Judy, Charles

Friday, April 27, 2007


Should've Stayed @ Home

Manmakers X 50
Pull-ups X 50
Burpees X 50
Dips X 50

Sally, Judy, Adelaide, Joe, Jordan, Jarvis, Chris, Ronald, Charles


Cleans 5X5
Various Ab Stuff

Ronald, Chris, Jordan, Shawn, Judy, Sally, Adelaide, Joe, Charles

Saturday, April 21, 2007


For Time--

run 400 meters (aprox)
turkish get-ups w/ 20lb dumbbell X 20 (10 ea side)
run 400 meters
pull-ups X 30
run 400 meters
turkish get-ups w/20 lb dumbbell X 20 (10 ea side)
run 400 meters
pull-ups X 30
run 400 meters

Intense, brief and natural.

Chris, Joe, Adelaide, Judy, Jordan, Ronald, Sally, Charles

Monday, April 16, 2007


For Time--

100 squats
100 sit-ups
50 dumbbell swings w/35lbs
50 push-ups
30 pull-ups
30 burpees
20 double-unders
20 handstand push-ups

Chris, Johnny, Joe, Adelaide, Judy, Sally, Ronald, Charles

**Scale as necessary

Thursday, April 12, 2007


deadlift 5X1 or 5X3 w/ 5 jump squats in b/t (2:00 rest interval)

dumbbell push-press 5X3 (2:00 rest interval b/t sets)

tabata sit-ups

Chris, Joe, Lance, Randall (sit-ups only), Sally, Kim, Judy, Ronald, Jordan, Charles

**NOTICE**Episcopal track @ 10am on Saturday 4/14 for anyone interested. Call me @ 288-7208 or email me @ w/questions.


The Prescription--

5 rounds for time--

40lb 1 arm dumbbell snatch X 20 (10 each)
push-ups X 30
squats X 40
billboard run (300-350 meters)

Scaled according to abilities.

Scott, Johnny, Jordan, Sally, Joe, Judy, Chris, Charles

Friday, April 06, 2007


For Time

run 400 meters
100 overhead lunges (PVC)
100 sit-ups
100 push-ups
run 400 meters

Sally, Johnny

Modified from the CrossFit site--

Three Rounds for Time

30 pull-ups
30 dips
30 back extensions
400 meter run

Danielle, Ronald, Charles

**As usual, workouts were scaled (if necessary) by the individual athlete.
Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


30-20-10 reps of...

standing broad jumps
handstand push-ups

Scott, Sally, Johnny, Joe, Judy, Chris, Charles

**sub for the handstand push-ups is a dumbbell overhead press w/ dumbbells totaling 1/2 your body weight

Saturday, March 31, 2007


5 X 3 of dumbbell thrusters or...

5 X 1 of deadlift


400-450meter run X 4 w/2:00 rest in between


50 v-ups and 50 sit-ups

**Plenty of rest between sets of thrusters or deadlift.

Chris, Judy, Garrett, Joe, Jordan, Johnny (@ the end), Charles

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Fight Gone Bad

**This is a CrossFit workout. We subbed dumbbell thrusters for the wall ball and burpees for the row.

1:00 at each station
no rest between stations
3 rounds
1:00 rest between rounds

dumbbell thrusters w 20lbs
sumo deadlift high pull w/75lbs
box jump
push press w/70lbs

Judy, Joe, Garrett, Scott, Chris, Charles

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


5 rounds w/2:00 rest in between each round

shuttle run
15 burpees
25 sit-ups

Colton, Joe, Shawn, Chris, Charles

Friday, March 16, 2007


Tabata intervals of the following:

dumbbell swings w/35lbs or less


tag team
p1 billboard run
p2 pull-ups until p1 returns
**When p1 returns, the partners switch rolls. This event is scored by dividing the total number of pull-ups by the total time of the workout in seconds.

Scott, Jordan, Judy, Ron, Garrett, Chris, Shawn, Randall, Charles

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Max Rounds in 20:00

Manmakers X 10 w/ anywhere from 5lbs to 40lbs dumbbells
pull-ups X 15
billboard run (aprox. 300 meters)

Steven, Judy, Dawn, Joe, Colton, Scott, Chris, Charles

Monday, March 12, 2007


5 Rounds for Time

handstand push-ups X 10
dips X 20
squats X 25

Chris, Ron, Judy, Jordan, Charles

**Let me know if I missed someone. This was a week ago.


Scale the fence


10 Rounds for Time

7 pull-ups
7 standing broad jumps
7 v-ups
run 220 meters

**some completed 7 rounds

Judy, John, Jordan, Charles

Friday, March 02, 2007


Technique / Max Effort

overhead squat 5X3
dumbbell military press 5X3

5:00 of...
bear crawl 1 lap
15 sit-ups

Judy, Jordan, Garrett, Joe

Sunday 3/4 @ Catholic High @ 1:00pm

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


1 arm dumbbell snatch X 50 (25 reps each side)
billboard run (aprox 300 meters)
hindu push-ups X 50
billboard run X 2
pull-ups X 50
billboard run

**weights ranged from 40lbs to 5 lbs for the snatch
**some athletes completed longer runs
**everyone finished under the 30:00 time limit

Steven, Judy, Dawn, Colton, Garrett, Ron, Jordan, Joe, Shawn, Charles

Sunday, February 25, 2007


5 rounds for time--

dumbbell overhead walking lunge X 20 (10 each)
sit-ups X 20


tag team burpees for 10:00

p1 15 burpees
p2 6 inch static hold until p1 is finished
**keep switching roles for 10:00

Jordan, Joe, Dawn, Ron, Judy, Steven, Charles, Dan (later)


Dice Game
Keep rolling for 20:00--

1=50 squats
2=40 push-ups
3=30 dumbbell swings
4=20 pull-ups
5=10 burpees
6=5 handstand push-ups

Joe, Jordan, Colton, Ron, Steven, Judy, Charles

Friday, February 16, 2007


Dumbbell Thrusters 5 X 3 w/ aprox. 2:00 rest b/t sets


3 rounds for time
farmer's walk X 2 laps
sit-ups X 25
bear crawl X 2 laps
pull-ups X 25
dips X 25

Dawn, Steven, Charles

Monday, February 12, 2007


#1 Perform 3 rounds of...

billboard run
handstand push-ups to failure

rest 5:00 to 7:00

#2 As many dumbbell hang squat cleans as you can in 10:00 using anywhere from 5lb to 40lb dumbbells.

Chris, Ron, Garrett, Joe, Judy, Jordan, Shawn, Steven, Charles

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Continue for 15:00

1 dumbbell swing w/35lbs
2 push-ups
3 sit-ups
4 dumbbell swings
5 push-ups
6 sit-ups
and on, and on, and on...

See how far you can get in 15:00.

Joe, Chris, Ron, Judy, Jordan, Garrett

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


45lb dumbbell thruster X 30
run approximately 600 meters
pull-ups X 30
run approximately 600 meters
45 lb dumbbell thruster X 30
run approximately 600 meters

Athletes used anywhere from 45lbs to 20 lbs on the dumbbell thrusters. This refers to the weight of each dumbbell.

Chris, Ron, Joe, Jordan, Garrett, Charles


For time--
21-15-9 reps of

handstand push-ups

After the last burpee, perform 100 sit-ups. You are done.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


30 manmakers (10lbs to 40 lbs)
30 dead hang pull-ups
20 manmakers
20 dead hang pull-ups
10 manmakers
10 dead hang pull-ups

John, Jordan, Chris, Garrett and Charles

One rep at a time.
Times ranged from around 23:00 to approximately 30:00.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


deadlift 5X3
dumbbell overhead Press 5X3

5 rounds (not for time)
20 v-ups
20 sit-ups

Chris, Judy, Garrett, Jordan, Ron, Charles

Sunday, January 21, 2007


100 reps of...

45lb overhead squat
dumbbell swings w 35, 20 or 15lbs

Some did 60, some did 40, some did 100.

Jordan, Danielle, John, Charles and Judy (a little bit later)

Saturday, January 20, 2007


In honor of the Saints, we will meet @ Catholic High School @ 12:40 this Sunday (1/21/07). It won't take long. Call me @ 288.7208 with any questions.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


50-40-30-20 reps of...

One arm dumbbell walking OH lunge w/ 10-20lbs

Chris, Colby, Garrett1, Garrett2, Ron, Judy, Jordan, John

Your not supposed to do squats right after lunges. That's exactly why we did.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Max Effort Clean (5x5)

broad jumps
turkish get ups

Garrett, Shawn, Garrett, Ron, Cody, Danielle, John, Chris

We really need our own space.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


5 Rounds for Time

1 arm dummbbell snatch X 20 (10 ea side)
push-ups X 30
Billboard run (aprox 300 meters)

Ron 22:06 w/15lbs
John 18:35 w/25lbs
Judy 21:06 w/15lbs
Danielle 21:30 w/15lbs
Charles 13:59 w/35lbs

We will be at the Catholic High School track this Sunday. If it is STORMING we will be at Southside. Call me @ 288-7208 with any questions.