Thursday, August 31, 2017


A.30 minute block
-bear crawl w/side layouts X 60 seconds
-10 hollow rocks
-3D plank X 20 seconds ea
-50 meter OA KB rack carry (switch ½ way)
-row 15 cals @ 90%
-rest/walk 30-60 seconds
B.elevated child’s pose X 10 breaths
-bad stretch X 10 breaths ea
-special shoulder #2 X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.30 minute block (barefoot)
-1-2 legless rope climbs
-elevated child’s (prayer position) X 5 breaths
-6-10 planche circles ea direction (p.lettes)
-hollow plank X 20 seconds
-20 duckwalk steps
-90/90 rotations X 10 (alt-relax)
B.pigeon X 10 breaths ea
-OA lat X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


A.6 sets @ 85-90%
10 cals AB
10 wall ball shots
10 OA russian swings (right)
10 OA russian swings (left)
10 sprawls
rest 90 seconds b/t sets arm circles 20 forward and 20 backward ea side
-90/90 internal rotation X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.5 sets barefoot
-6 rebound lateral jumps over hurdle
-PVC balance X 30 seconds
B.In 12:00, work to a heavy 3 rep snatch.
C.row 600 meters @ 85% X 3; rest/walk 3:00
D.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2
sphinx X 60-90 seconds
-bretzel X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


A.15:00 Block (barefoot)
-back squat @ 21X1 X 6
-neutral pull-ups (use dip bar) X 5-10
-triangle pose X 5 breaths ea
B.15:00 Block
-snatch grip DL @ 1111 X 6
-p.lette push-ups @ 2211 X 5-12
-90/90 external rotation X 5 breaths ea
C.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.3 sets @ 85%
AB .3 miles
10 hang power cleans @ 40%
16 NJ burpees
32 DUs
100 meter sandbag run @ 60/45
run 200 meters
rest 2:00 b/t sets
B.foot on rig X 10 breaths ea
-IND w/finger under feet X 10 breaths
-bretzel X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

Monday, August 28, 2017


A.5 sets
-crab crawl 30 seconds
-founder X 5 breaths
-5 hanging leg raises
-run 200 meters @ 85-90%
-10 arm figure 8s each side
-10 reps wrestler’s bridge (alt)
B.down dog X 10 breaths
-special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths ea
-single leg seiza X 5 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.5 sets
-6-8 alternating leg circles
-pike-to-plow roll X 10
-4-6 weighted bar dips
-special shoulder #2 X 5 breaths ea
-10 reps forward ape
-30 second plank
-14 sideways layouts (alt-from quadruped)
-child’s pose X 5 breaths
B.founder X 5 breaths
special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths ea
-bad X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

Friday, August 25, 2017


A.21-15-9 for time
row (cals)
d-bell thrusters @ 25/15
*perform a 100 meter sandbag run @ 60/45  after each set of thrusters (3 total runs)
B.bad X 10 breaths ea
-OA lat X 10 breaths ea
-triangle X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

A.5 sets
-2 OH med ball throws
-hang for 30 seconds 800 meters @ 90% X 2; rest/walk 4:00
C.front squat @ 2111 X 5 X 3; rest w/90/90 external rotation X 5 breaths + 30 seconds more rest
D.Foot on rig X 10 breaths ea
-single leg seiza X 10 breaths ea
-bad X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

Thursday, August 24, 2017


A.30 minute block
-dolphin pose X 5 breaths
-front squat @ 2111 X 10
-supinated pull-ups X 5
-double wrist rack X 5 breaths
-snatch high pull X 5 (light and fast)
-pike push-ups X 6-8
B.pigeon X 10 breaths ea
-floor german hang X 15-20 seconds
-pike holding big toes X 10 breaths
-glute bridge X 10 breaths
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

A.AB ½ mile
5 rounds
6 hang power snatches @ 50%
25 DUs
row 500 meters
B.OA lat X 10 breaths ea
-special shoulder #2 X 10 breaths ea
-sphinx X 60-90 seconds
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


A.15:00 Block
-5 reps inch worm
-tuck hang X 20 seconds
-12 hollow rocks
-pike/plow roll X 10
-sphinx X 5 breaths
B.row @ 85-90% for 30 seconds X 5; rest/walk 90 seconds arm circles 20 forward and 20 backward ea side
-90/90 internal rotation X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

A.30 Minute Block
-1-8 pull-ups on climbing rope
-double wrist rack X 5 breaths
-pike-to-plow roll X 10
-5-12 ring push-ups @ 2111 
-special shoulder #1 X 5 breaths ea
-10 sideways ape reps (alt)
-10 slow cossack squats (alt)
-90/90 internal rotation X 5 breaths ea
B.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2
-floor german hang X 15-20 seconds
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


A.4 sets @ 85%
run 200 meters
6 deadlifts @ ~ 50%
8 layouts
10 box step-ups @ 24/20
40 jump rope reps
B.dorsi X 10 breaths ea
-single leg seiza X 5 breaths ea
-figure 4 w/back against wall X 10 breaths ea
-sphinx X 60-90 s
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

A.5 sets barefoot
-5 rebound tuck jumps
-5 slow down-dog-to-up dogs
B.In 12:00, work to a heavy 3 rep clean and jerk (drop all).
C.6 sets @ 90%
odd sets=AB 30 seconds
even sets=run 30 seconds
rest ~ 2-2:30 b/t sets
D.-pike while holding big toes x 10 breaths ea
-bad X 10 breaths ea
-bretzel X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

Monday, August 21, 2017


A.4 sets (barefoot)
-10 alt lunge steps (hold d-bells to sides)
-barbell bent over row @ 1011 X 8
-downward facing dog X 6 breaths
B.4 sets barefoot
-P.lette push-ups @ 2111 X 5-14
-founder X 5 breaths
-bad X 5 breaths ea
C.OA lat X 10 breaths ea
-special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths ea
-pike holding big toes X 10 breaths
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

A.2 sets @ 85%
row 700 meters
20 sandbag GTS @ 60/45
20 box step-ups @ 24/20
15/10 push-ups
15 ring rows
5 wall walks
100 meter sandbag run @ 60/45
rest 3:00 b/t sets
B.special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths
-child’s pose X 100 breaths
-sphinx X 60-90 seconds
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00-5:00

Friday, August 18, 2017


A.5 sets
-crab crawl X 20-30 s
-10 sideways rolls
-tuck sit X 15-20s
-10 arm figure 8s each side
B.AB @ 85-90% for 20 seconds X 5; rest/walk for 60-90s
C.special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths ea
-bad x 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.30:00 Block (barefoot)
-6-12 strict knees-to-elbows
-OA lat stretch X 5 breaths ea
-CGBP @ 2111 X 6-8
-table X 5 breaths
-duck walk X 10-20 steps
-ring superman X 10 seconds
-elevated child’s pose (prayer position) X 5 breaths
B.floor german hang X 15-20 seconds
-DB ext rotations X 5 ea X 2
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

Thursday, August 17, 2017


A.4 rounds for time
run 400 meters
20 walking lunge steps
15/9 p.lette push-ups
B.dorsi X 10 breaths ea
-special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths ea
-bad x 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.5 sets
-jump over 2 ascending height hurdles (fast rebound)
-PVC balance X 30 seconds 100 meters X 90% (not a sprint) X 6; rest/walk 60 seconds
C.split squat @ 20X0 X 10 ea X 3; rest w/special shoulder #1 for 5 breaths ea
D. dorsi X 10 breaths ea
-single leg seiza X 5 breaths ea
-90/90 rotations X 16 (alt)
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


A.3 sets
-back squat @ 2111 X 10
-supinated pull-ups X 6-8
-downward facing dog X 10 breaths
-10 russian swings + 5 breaths + 10 swings (mod-heavy)
-kneeling DB OH press @ 1111 X 10
-child’s pose X 10 breaths (relaxed-hands by side)
B.german hang X 20 seconds
-sphinx X 90s-2:00
-bretzel X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.AMRAP in 20:00
row 400 meters
20 box step-ups @ 24/20
20 sprawl-to- layouts
B.sphinx X 90s-2:00
-toggle roll X 20
-bretzel X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


A.15:00 Block (barefoot)
-sideways bear crawl for 60 seconds (back and forth)
-hang 30 seconds
-side plank X 20 seconds ea
-90/90 rotations X 10 alt (relax) 200 meters @ 90% X 4; rest/walk 90 seconds
C.dorsi X 10 breaths ea
-special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths ea
-bad x 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.4 sets (barefoot)
-3-6 slow pull-ups on climbing rope
-double wrist rack X 5 breaths
-2 get-ups ea side (mod-hvy)
-cobra X 6 breaths
-15-20 hollow rocks
-founder X 6 breaths
-25 steps slow bear crawl
-special shoulder #1 X 5 breaths ea
B.special shoulder #2 X 10 breaths ea
-pike while holding big toes x 10 breaths ea
-bad X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

Monday, August 14, 2017


A.3 sets @ 85%
row 300 meters
15 wall ball shots
15 sprawls
100 meter sandbag run @ 60/45
rest 3:00 b/t sets
B.german hang X 20 seconds
-sphinx X 90s-2:00
-bretzel X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.5 sets (barefoot)
-broad jump on mat x 2
-hang for 20-30 seconds 400 meters @ 90% X 4; rest/walk 2-3:00
C.front squat @ 22X1 X 5 X 3; rest w/90/90 internal rotation X 5 breaths ea
D.dorsi X 10 breaths ea
-single leg seiza X 5 breaths ea
-90/90 ext rotation X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back @ 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

Cycle Objectives 08.14.17

The Fitness and Performance training groups will share common aims this cycle.  Each group will work to improve qualities within these aims in different ways.  The aims include:

  • To increase kinesthetic awareness, strength and resiliency through an increase in the volume of groundwork (crawling, etc.).
  • To improve reaction times, freedom of movement and "flow" through games that involve movement initiated by a partner.  Play!
  • Improve and maintain the ability to produce force (strength) and rate of force production (power) while developing the ability to relax.  To quickly and appropriately toggle between relaxation and tension is at the heart of athleticism.  Performance will have a frequent jump and rope climb practice.
  • Use this ability to tense and relax appropriately with an increase in breathing awareness and efficiency to improve aerobic power capabilities.

And, as always: increase anti-fragility, increase the ability to move well, w/o pain and in a health promoting manner and restore essential movement abilities.

Thoughts on Aim #2
Most movements in exercise/fitness are initiated by the participant with a preconceived conception of exactly what will happen.  There is typically no outside influence by another person.  Numerous sports and many other practices (i.e. martial arts, some forms of dance), however,  require constant creativity in movement as they are affected by the actions of other people.  If the purpose of your practice includes the aims to move well, feel good, have fun and develop anti-fragility through movement diversity, the second objective is very important!

Friday, August 11, 2017


A.5 sets (barefoot)
-jump rope 20 seconds
-pike stretch while holding big toes X 6 breaths
B.15:00 block (barefoot)
-CGBP @ 21X1 X 3
-6-8 supinated pull-ups
-10 alternating special shoulder #1 reps
-IND w/fingers under feet X 5 breaths
C.DB ext rotation X 5 X 2
-bad X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00

A.AMRAP for 25:00
row 400 meters
200 meter sandbag carry @ 60/45
run 400 meters
10 sprawl-to-layouts
12 box step-ups @ 24/20
B.bad X 10 breaths ea
-downward dog X 10 breaths
-sphinx X 10 breaths
-breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00

Thursday, August 10, 2017


A.3 sets
-10 alt d-bell snatches w/1 second pause @ top
-5 dragon flags or slow leg lowers (from supine)
-child’s pose X 5 breaths 800 meters @ 85% X 2; rest/walk 4:00 w/30 seconds of dorsi stretch ea leg during rest
C.special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths
-table X 5 breaths X 2
-breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00

A.for time
-20 ring push-ups
-20/12 supinated pull-ups
-25 squat jumps
-16 ring push-ups
-15/9 supinated pull-ups
-25 jump squats
-12 ring push-ups
-10/6 supinated pull-ups
-25 squat jumps
B.10 hollow rocks
-OA lat X 10 breaths ea
-special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths ea
-figure 4 w/back against wall X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00

Wednesday, August 09, 2017


A.3 rounds for total time
15 cals on AB
15 D-bell thrusters @ 25/15
15 ring rows
run 400 meters
rest 3:00 b/t rounds-score is total work time
B.90/90 external rotation X 10 breaths ea
-bretzel x 10 breaths ea
-OA lat X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00

A.30:00 block (barefoot)
-5-10 strict TTB
-elevated child’s pose (prayer position)
-5 p.lette kick throughs
-duck walk 20 steps
-pike stretch holding big toes X 6 breaths
-ring superman X 10 seconds
-elevated glute bridge X 6 breaths
B.IND w/finger under feet X 10 breaths
-table X 5 breaths X 2
-breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00
* Raise feet 6-15 inches for elevated glute bridge (use small box, plates, benches, etc.).

Tuesday, August 08, 2017


A.5 sets
-snatch high pulls X 3
-5 slow push-ups into IND into 10 steps forward ape
-floor german hang X 15 seconds
-hollow plank X 20 seconds
-5 slow hanging leg raises
-row 125 meters @ 90%
-sphinx X 8 breaths
B.90/90 internal rotation X 10 breaths ea
-special shoulder #1 X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00

A.5 sets
-deadlift @x1drop X 1 (start @ ~ 75%)
-rocks, sideways rolls for 30-60 seconds + 30-60 seconds more rest
B.3 sets
-6-15 bar dips @2111
-row 600 meters @ 85%
-walk 60 seconds
*over 20 bar dips max=add weight
C.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 6 X 2
-special shoulder #2 X 10 breaths
-sphinx X 10 breaths
-breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00

Monday, August 07, 2017


*Compare tests to 062617
All barefoot
A.AMRAP supinated pull-ups in one set.
B.AMRAP P.lette push-ups in one set. Feet on floor.
C.AMSAP supinated chin over bar hold
D.5 rounds for time
6 NJ burpees
12 russian swings @ 55/35
14 alt lunge steps
*rest 2:00 b/t each pre-test
E.OA lat X 60 seconds ea
-bad X 60 seconds ea
-floor german hang X 30 seconds
-breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00

A.AMRAP DUs in one set.  You may have 3 attempts. Singles in b/t ok, however set terminates when you miss.
B.AMSAP supinated  chin over bar hold
C.5 sets
-back squat @ 21X1 X 2 (start mod)
-10 alt 90/90 rotations (relax) + 4 forward shoulder rolls ea side
-rest/walk 60 seconds
D.2 sets
-founder X 6 breaths
-tuck sit X 20 seconds
-bad 5 breaths ea
-child’s pose X 5 breaths ea
E.breathe on back for 4484 for 3-5:00

Friday, August 04, 2017


A.4 sets
-10 alternating DB power cleans (moderate)
-front plank X 5 breaths
-child’s pose X 5 breaths
B.3 sets
-row 600 meters @ 85-90%
-5 shoulder rolls ea side (forward and/or back)
-walk 60 seconds (get to nasal breathing)
C.bretzel X 10 breaths
-cat/cow X 10 slow reps (light tension)
D.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00

A.for time
run 400 meters
-p.lette push-ups
-back squats @ ~40-50%  (from rack)
run 400 meters
B.hollow plank (body) X 30 seconds
90/90 external rotation X 10 breaths ea
-side plank X 30 seconds ea
-bad X 10 breaths ea
-floor german hang X 20 seconds
C.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00

Thursday, August 03, 2017


A.21-15-9 for time
wall ball shots
*perform a 100 meter sandbag run @ 60-45 after each complete set of knees-to-elbows. Tester ends with 3rd sandbag carry.
B.90/90 external rotation X 10 breaths ea
-table X 5 breaths
-OA lat stretch X 10 breaths ea
-table X 5 breaths
C.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00

A.20 seconds of DUs X 5; rest 60 seconds
B.6 sets
-power clean and jerk @ 60-65% X 2-drop all
-360 jump over hurdle from prone X 3
-1 supinated pull-up w/10-15 second hold @ top and 10-15 second hold @ ½
-run 100 meters fast (not sprint)
-walk back
C.dorsi X 10 breaths
-single leg seiza 5 breaths ea
-pvc balance X 60-90 s
-sphinx X 60-90s
D.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00

Wednesday, August 02, 2017


A.30:00 Block
-clean pull X 3
-ring push-ups @ 2111 X 6-10
-child’s pose X 6 breaths
-side plank X 20 seconds ea
-run 100 meters fast (not sprint)
-walk back to gym
B.sphinx X 90 s-2:00
-floor german hang X 20-30 seconds
-thoracic bridge X 5 breaths ea
C.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00

A.5 rounds for time
row 250 meters
10 burpees
12 russian swings @ 55/35
B.special shoulder #2 X 10 breaths ea
-bad X 10 breaths ea
-sphinx X 90s-2:00
C.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00

Tuesday, August 01, 2017


A.6 sets @ 85%
-AB .2 miles
-10 box step-ups @24/20
-10 NJ burpees
-10 russian swings (moderate)
rest 60 seconds b/t sets
B.special shoulder # 1 for 10 breaths ea
-IND w/fingers under feet X 10 breaths
-glute bridge X 10 breaths
C.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00

A.5 sets
-15 seconds of DUs, 5 breaths, 15 seconds of DUs
-headstand X 20-30 seconds
-supinated chin-over-bar hold 15-35 seconds
-elevated child’s pose X 6 breaths
-tuck sit X 15-30 seconds
-floor german hang X 15 seconds
-floor superman X 10 seconds
-special shoulder #1 X 5 breaths ea
B.dorsi X 10 breaths ea
-IND w/hands under feet x 10 breaths
C.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00