Thursday, February 26, 2015


Fitness 800 meters @ 80%; rest 60 seconds
B.Loaded dorsi flexion X 60 seconds each; rest 60 seconds
C.row 1,000 meters @ 80%; rest 60 seconds
D.KB rack stretch X 60 seconds each; rest 60 seconds 800 meters @ 80%; rest 60 seconds
F.straddle PNF X 3:00

Make-up session from week or--

For 20-30 minutes @ Z1/flow
row 3:00
bear crawl 1 lap
active hang 30 seconds
pigeon 30 seconds each
10 alternating wall bridge rotations
row 3:00
straddle 60 seconds
10 alternating cossacks

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


A.single arm KB russian swing X 10 ea X 3; rest 90 seconds
B1.close grip bench press @ 30X0 X 6-8 X 3; rest 30s
B2.weighted mountain climber pull-ups X 3-5 ea X 3; rest 30 seconds
B3.wall bridge rotations X 8 (alternating) x 3; rest 90 seconds

A1.L-sit leg raise @ 2 sec hold X 6-8 X 3-use bar; rest 30 seconds
A2.tuck front lever X 5-6 seconds X 3; rest 90 seconds
B.@ 85-90%
run 30 seconds/walk 30 seconds X 5
C.@ 85-90%
row 30 seconds/rest 30 seconds X 5
D.low gait PVC pass throughs X 10 X 2; rest as needed
E.loaded dorsi stretch X 75 seconds each X 1

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


A.Box breathing for 3:00
B.8:00 @ 85%
row 500 meters (1 time)
+w/time remaining
10 hindu push-ups
14 box step-ups @ 24/20
rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
5 pull-ups
10 OHSQs @ 45/35
run 200 meters
C1.single arm DB external rotations @ 3010 X 5 ea X 2; rest as needed protraction X 40 seconds X 2; rest as needed

Performance breathing for 3:00
B.6:00 @ 90%
run 200 meters
15 wall ball shots
10 pull-ups
rest 3:00
6:00 @ 90%
7 power snatches @ 75/45
7 burpees over the bar
14 box step-ups @ 24/20
rest 3:00
for completion @ 90%
row 500/400
50 double unders
30 walking lunge steps
5 muscle-ups
*NO MU=10 strict pull-ups/10 strict dips-partition as desired protraction X 30 seconds X 2; rest as needed
D.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 3 X 2; rest as needed

Monday, February 23, 2015


A.split squat @ 20X0 X 8-10 ea X 3; rest 90 seconds
B1.single arm KB/DB press @ X020 X 8-10 X 3; rest 30 seconds
B2.ring rows @ X020 X 8-10 X 3; rest 30 seconds tuck jump X 3 X 3; rest 90 seconds

A.power clean and jerk @ TNG X 5 X 3--speed focus; rest 90 seconds
B.front squat @ 20X0 X 4-5 X 3; rest 2:00
C1.ring dips @ 30X0 X 5-7 X 3; rest 30 seconds
C2.single arm DB/KB row @ X020 X 5-6 ea X 3; rest 90 seconds

Friday, February 20, 2015


A.21-15-9 reps for time of
pike push-ups
archer ring rows (alt)
goblet squats @ 55/35
B.50 hollow rocks
C1.loaded dorsi stretch X 30 s ea X 2; rest as needed
C2.DB external rotation @ 3010 X 6 ea X 2; rest as needed

A.push jerk X 3-3-3; rest 90 seconds--keep it moderate and fast
B.@ 75-80%
row 1,000 meters
20 burpees (no jump)
5 turkish get-ups each side (moderate)
25 wall ball shots
20/15 strict pull-ups
run 1,000 meters

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Fitness 1 mile for time
B1.depression-to-3 sec L-sit X 4-5 X 4; rest 30 seconds
B2.strict toes-to-bar X 5-7 X 4; rest 30 seconds
B3.1 lap short bear crawl X 4; rest 75s
*compare ‘a’ to 011215

A1.clean grip deadlift @ TNG X 6-8 (moderate)X 4; rest 30 seconds
A2.planche progression On 20 in box X 10-12 seconds X 4; rest 30 seconds
A3.hanging leg circles X 6-8 X 4; rest 30 seconds
A4.6-10 alternating pistols X 4; rest 90 seconds

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


A1.clean deadlift @ TNG X 5-4-3; rest 10 seconds
A2.single leg broad jump to plate (2 leg land) X 4 X 3; rest 90 seconds-soft landing up to a 1RM overhead press
C.row 60 seconds ALL OUT for meters
C.cuban rotations
*compare ‘b’ and ‘c’ to 011415

A.2 rounds for time
50 double unders
40 box step-ups @ 24/20
30 burpees
20 CTB pull-ups protraction X 30 seconds X 2; rest as needed
B2. single arm DB external rotation @ 3010

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


A.for time
row 50 cals
40 burpees
30 russian swings @ 55/35
20 walking lunge steps
run 400 meters
B1.single leg hamstring PNF X 75 s ea X 1; rest as needed
C2.straddle PNF X 90 seconds X 1; rest as needed
C3.loaded dorsi stretch X 60 s each X 1

*compare ‘a’ to 011615

A1.archer ring rows @ X020 X 6-8 X 5; rest 30 seconds
A2. run 200 meters @ 90% X 5; rest 60 seconds
B.accumulate 60 seconds in an L-sit; rest as needed
C. hamstring PNF X 75 seconds each X 1; rest as needed
D.straddle PNF X 2:00 X 1; rest as needed
E.loaded dorsi stretch X 60 seconds each X 1

Monday, February 16, 2015


Fitness up to a 3RM front squat @ 20X0-use 5-5-3-3...rep scheme
B.AMRAP strict pull-ups in one set
C.5-1 strict pull-up ladder 200 meters @ 90% X 4; rest 60 seconds
E.DB external rotation @ 3010 X 6 ea X 2; rest as needed

*compare ‘a’ and ‘b’ to 011215

A.In 8:00, work to a heavy 1.1 snatch.  You may work to ½ of anticipated weight prior to starting 8:00.
B. 15-12-9 reps for time
clean @ 60% of 1RM
ring dips
C.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 3; rest as needed

Friday, February 13, 2015


for time
row 50 cals
40 box step-ups @ 24/20
30 jump rope reps
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups
20 push-ups
30 jump rope reps
40 box step-ups @ 24/20
row 50 cals

A.14.4 (modified)
for time
50 cal row
35 TTB
25 wall ball shots @ 20/14
15 power cleans @ 135/95
5 muscle-ups
*no MU =5 sets of 3 pull-ups/3 dips per MU
B1.barbell protraction X 30 seconds X 2; rest 0
B2.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2; rest 30 seconds

Thursday, February 12, 2015


A.OHSQ @ 21X1 X 6-8 X 4; rest 90 seconds
B.5 sets @ 99%
10 burpees AFAP
run 100 meters fast (not a sprint)
C1.single leg hamstring PNF X 60 s ea X 2; rest as needed
C2.straddle PNF X 60 seconds X 2; res as needed

A1.single arm DB/KB row @ X020 X 6-8 X 4; rest 30 seconds 400 meters @ 90% X 4; rest 90 seconds
B.single leg hamstring PNF X 60 seconds each; rest 0
C.loaded dorsi stretch X 60 seconds each
D.straddle PNF for 2:30 (10 sec contractions and rest in straddle as needed)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


A.15-12-9 reps for time
deadlift @ 135/95
ring dips
strict pull-ups (15 # added for males) protraction X 20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds
B2.DB external rotation @ 3010 X 6 ea X 3; rest 20 seconds

21-15-9 reps of 
thrusters @ 95/65
B.Z1 of choice for 10:00

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


A1.ring blenders X 5 circles ea direction X 4; rest 20 seconds hang in L-position for 20-30 seconds X 4; rest 60 seconds
B1.single arm DB/KB row @ X020 X 5-6 ea X 3; rest 15 seconds
B2.wall bridge rotations X 6 alternating X 3; rest 15 seconds
B3.alternating cossacks X 10 X 3; rest 60 seconds

A.In 8:00, work to a heavy 1.1 clean.  You may warm-up to ½ of anticipated weight before time starts.
B.for time
row 30 cals
25 burpees
20 power snatches @ 75% of 1RM
C1.barbell protraction X 30 seconds X 2; rest 0
C2.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2; rest 30 seconds

Monday, February 09, 2015


A1.snatch pull @ X1drop X 5-4-3; rest 10 seconds
A2.broad jump to plate (soft landing) X 4 X 3; rest 90 seconds
B1.push-press @ X110 X 5 X 3; rest 20 seconds 400 meters @ 90% X 3; rest 90 seconds
C.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2

A.@ 90%
OHSQ @ 75/45
rest 2:00
AMRAP in 4:00 @ 90%
5 power cleans @ 95/65
8 burpee box jumps @ 24/20
rest 2:00
@ 90%
row 30 cals
30 wall ball shots @ 20/14
30 TTB
rest 2:00
3 sets @ 90%
1-3 muscle-ups
40 double unders
B.single leg hamstring PNF X 60 seconds each; rest 0
C.loaded dorsi stretch X 60 seconds each

*no MU=3 strict pull-ups/3 bar dips each set

Friday, February 06, 2015


A1.Knees-to-elbows (on rings) X 6-8 X 3; rest 30 seconds
A2.L-sit X 10-12 seconds X 3; rest 30 seconds
A3.barbell bent over row @ X010 X 8-10 X 3; rest 90 seconds
B1.10 steps of lizard X 3; rest 30 seconds
B2.ring superman X 10 seconds X 3; rest 60 seconds
C.straddle PNF X 60 s X 2; rest 60 seconds

30 clean and jerks for time @ 135/95#
*Any accepted form of clean and STOH may be used, for 15:00 @ Z1
*Perform 2 sets of barbell protraction (30s) and cuban rotations (5 reps @ 4020) during Z1

Thursday, February 05, 2015


A.In 10 minutes, work up to a heavy 3 rep TNG deadlift.
B1.ring push-ups @ 31X1 X AMRAP-2 X 3; rest 30 seconds 600 meters X 3; rest 90 seconds protraction stretch X 30 seconds X 2; rest 0
C2.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2; rest 30s

for 10:00 @ 85%
6 pull-ups
12 burpees (no jump)
15 box step-ups @ 24/20
rest 5:00
for completion @ 85%
row 600/500
30/20 ring push-ups
20 alternating pistols

Wednesday, February 04, 2015


A.10:00 @ 85%
5 pull-ups
10 goblet squats @ 55/35
15 push-ups
20 box step-ups @ 24/20
rest 5:00
@ 85%
row 1,000 meters
B1.single leg hamstring PNF X 60 seconds each X 2; rest as needed
B2.straddle PNF X 60 s X 2; rest 0

A.power snatch X 1.1.1 X 3; rest 2:00-start @ 70%
B.barbell bent-over row @ X010 X 10 X 3; rest 90 seconds 10-15 minutes @ 70%
D.single leg hamstring PNF X 60 seconds each
E.loaded dorsi stretch X 60 seconds each
F.single leg seiza X 60 seconds each

Tuesday, February 03, 2015


A1.split squats @ 30X0 X 5-6 each X 3; rest 60 seconds
A2.weighted pull-ups X 6-8 X 3; rest 75 seconds
B.4 sets @ 99%
12 squat jumps as high as possible
row 200/150 meters
rest 3-4:00 b/t sets protraction stretch X 30 seconds X 2; rest 0
C2.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2; rest 60s

A.for time
row 800 meters
30 OHSQs @ 95/65
30 bar facing burpees
30 pull-ups
run 800 meters
B1.barbell protraction X 30 seconds X 2; rest 0
C2.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2; rest 30 seconds

OHSQ bar is from the floor.  Must face bar on bar facing burpees.

Monday, February 02, 2015


AMRAP in 22:00
run 400 meters
20 wall ball shots @ 20/14
15 russian swings @ 55/35
10 ring rows

A.@ 90%
row 600 meters; rest row time
row 400 meters; rest row time
row 200 meters; rest 4:00
B. run 600 meters; rest run time
run 400 meters; rest run time
run 200 meters
C1.low gait PVC pass throughs X 10 X 2; rest 30 seconds
C2.ring superman X 10 seconds X 2; rest 60 seconds
D.single leg hamstring PNF X 60 seconds each;rest as needed
E.straddle PNF X 75 seconds