Tuesday, February 10, 2015


A1.ring blenders X 5 circles ea direction X 4; rest 20 seconds
A2.active hang in L-position for 20-30 seconds X 4; rest 60 seconds
B1.single arm DB/KB row @ X020 X 5-6 ea X 3; rest 15 seconds
B2.wall bridge rotations X 6 alternating X 3; rest 15 seconds
B3.alternating cossacks X 10 X 3; rest 60 seconds

A.In 8:00, work to a heavy 1.1 clean.  You may warm-up to ½ of anticipated weight before time starts.
B.for time
row 30 cals
25 burpees
20 power snatches @ 75% of 1RM
C1.barbell protraction X 30 seconds X 2; rest 0
C2.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2; rest 30 seconds

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