Thursday, February 28, 2008


overhead press 5X3

weighted pull-ups 5X3

Add weight to pull-ups if you can perform 10 dead hang pull-ups regularly.

Stephen, Dawn, Emile, Peggy, Joe, Dwayne, Chris, Doug, Jordan, Conrad, Kyle, Aaron


5 rounds for time--

40lb (each) dumbbell thusters X 20
pull-ups X 15
broad jumps X 10

Conrad, Chris, Kyle, Jordan, Doug


run 300-400 meters
max push-ups in 2:00
run 300-400 meters
max 55 lb dumbbell swings in 2:00
run 300-400 meters
max sit-ups in 2:00
run 300-400 meters
max burpees in 2:00

**You have exactly 2:00 to complete each run. Run fast, you get a rest. Run slowly, not so much.

Friday, February 15, 2008


back squats



dumbbell swings

Rx for dumbbell is 55 lbs

Doug, Kyle, Ashley, Dwayne, Emile

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


for time--
25lb manmakers X 21
walking lunges X 100
sit-ups X 100
25 lb manmakers X 21

Chris, Butch, Conrad, Kyle, Ashley, Mike, Dawn, Josh, Sylvia, Misty, Emile, Dwayne

Saturday, February 09, 2008


3 rounds for time--

50 squats
40 v-ups
30 tuck jumps
20 pull-ups
10 handstand pushups

Doug (afternoon), Dwayne, Kyle, Stephen, Dawn, Peggy, Butch, Aaron, Jordan, Misty

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


maximum rounds in 10:00

35lb 1 arm dumbbell swing X 10 each arm
push-ups X 10 (5 each if you do the one arm variety)
1 lap walking lunges

3:00 rest

for time--

sit-ups X 30
burpees X 30

Clay, Misty, Doug, Dawn, Stephen, Butch, Peggy, Jordan, Dwayne, Emile, Conrad, Charles