Friday, April 29, 2016


A1.snatch grip DL @ X121 (re-set) X 5 X 3(heavier than last week); bad PNF X 15 seconds
A2.protracted ring FLR X 10-30 seconds X 3; 90/90 pigeon (rear leg emphasis) PNF X 15 seconds
B.AMRAP in 8:00
3/1 strict pull-ups
10 hindu push-ups
15 squats

A.15:00 block
-power clean and jerk @ 75% X 2 (drop all)
-archer push-up (floor) X 3-5 se side
-bad stretch PNF X 15 seconds
B.15:00 block
-shrimp squat variation X 3-5 ea
-3-8 strict TTB
-pec PNF X 15 seconds
C.6 sets EMOM
odd=L-sit X 8-10 seconds
even=swan X 8-10 seconds

Thursday, April 28, 2016


A.2 sets @ 85%
Run 400/row 500
20 sprawls
50 jump rope reps
15 russian swings @ 55/35
10 wall ball shots
10 V-ups
10 ring rows
Rest 4:00 b/t sets
*run 1 time, row 1 time
B.arch plank reps @ 1211 w/pvc X 10 X 2; rest as needed

A.for time
Russian swings @ 55/35
NJ burpees
Box jumps @ 24/20
*step-ups are acceptable if desired
B.6 sets EMOM
odd=hollow plank X 25 seconds
even=arched plank 25 seconds

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


A1.6-8 alternating loaded cossack squats X 3 (1 KB or DB); pigeon pnf X 15 seconds ea
A2.12-14 knees-to-elbows X 3; shoulder internal rotation bridge X 15 seconds and/or row for 90 seconds @ 85% X 4; rest 90 seconds
C.hollow to arched roll w/5 seconds ea side X 2 X 3; rest as needed

A.15:00 block
-snatch @ 75% X 2 (drop all)
-planche leans on P.lettes (hollow emphasis) X 10-20 seconds
-90/90 (back leg lift emphasis) X 6-10 seconds ea
B.15:00 block
-back squat @ 32X1 X 5-7
-1 strict pull-up + 1 strict TTB X 2-6
-shoulder internal rotation bridge X 15 seconds

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


A.for time
50 cal AD
40 push-ups
30 jumping lunges
20 DLs @ ~40% max
50 cal row
B.12-15 hollow rocks X 2; rest 30 seconds
C.arched plank X 25 seconds X 2; rest 25 seconds

A.12:00 block
-high hang clean @ 60% X 3 (drop all)
-rib pull X 15 seconds ea side
B.@ Z2 for 20 minutes
Run 400 meters
10 low gait PVC pass throughs
Duck walk 20 steps
Row 300 meters
50 meter suitcase carry (moderate-switch ½ way)
25 seconds arched plank

Monday, April 25, 2016


A1.back squat @ 32X1 X 5-6 X 3; rest 10 seconds
A2.split squats ( add weight if possible) @ 30X0 X 5-6 ea X 3; rest 90 seconds
B.@ Z2 for 20:00
Run 2:00
25 seconds hollow plank
10 scap push-ups
5 swans
25 seconds arched plank
Row 2:00

A.8:00 @ 85%
2 wall walks
10 deadlifts @ 135/95
20 alt lunges (step backwards in place-don’t walk)
Run 200 meters
Rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
100 meter sandbag carry @ 60/45
25 double unders
10 knees-to-elbows
10/5 bar dips
Rest 4:00
@ 85%
Row 650 meters

Friday, April 22, 2016


A.AMRAP in 20:00
Run 200 meters
20 box step-ups @ 24/20
10 knees-to-elbows
100 meter sandbag carry @ 60/45
10 sprawl to layouts
B.12-15 hollow rocks X 2; rest 30 seconds
C.arched plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds

A.12:00 block
-hang snatch @ 60% X 3
-bretzel X 15 seconds ea side
B.2 sets @ Z2
Row 4:00
2 t get-ups ea side 
Hollow plank 20 seconds
Run 4:00
Arched plank 20 seconds

Thursday, April 21, 2016


A1.front  squat @ 32X1 X 6-8 X 3; rest 10 seconds
A2.split squats (no added weight) @ 30X0 X 8 ea X 3; rest 90 seconds
B.@ Z2 for 15:00
Bear crawl 1 lap
Row 200 meters
Crab crawl 1 length
Run 200 meters
Jump rope 30 seconds
C1.hollow plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds
C2.arched plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds

A.2 sets @ 85%
Row 600/AD 1 mile
10 P.lette kick throughs
3 rope climbs
15 hollow rocks
5 strict HSPUs
10 burpee pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Rest 5:00
*Row on 1 set and AD the other.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


A1.snatch grip DL @ X121 (re-set) X 6-8 X 3; bad PNF X 15 seconds
A2.protracted ring FLR X 10-25 seconds X 3; 90/90 pigeon PNF X 15 seconds
B.3 rounds for time
10/5 strict pull-ups
10/5 strict bar dips

A.15:00 block
-clean and jerk @ 70% X 3
-ring dips w/RTO X 3-5
-standing straddle w/10 sec PNF X 30 seconds
B. 15:00 block
-uneven split squat X 5 ea
-2-6 strict TTB
-pec PNF X 15 seconds
C1.hollow plank X 20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds
C2.slow arched swimmers 20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


A.10:00 @ 85%
Run 200 meters
10 OHSQs @ 45/35
5/3 pull-ups
Rest 5:00
10:00 @ 85%
Row 200 meters
10 P.lette push-ups
5 sandbag GTS
B.12-15 hollow rocks X 2; rest 30 seconds
C.arched plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds

A.3 rounds for time
run/row 800 meters
10 sandbag get-ups @ 60/45
20 box step-ups @ 24/20
B1.hollow plank X 20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds
B2.arched plank X 20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds

*Student chooses to either run twice and row once or row twice and run once.  Must alternate.

Monday, April 18, 2016


A1.6-8 alt lunges w/DB/KB in front rack X 3; foot on rig 20 seconds
A2.10-12 knees-to-elbows X 3; pec PNF X 15 seconds each
B.row and/or AD 60 seconds @ 85% X 6; rest 60 seconds
C1.hollow plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds
C2.arched plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds

A.15:00 block
-snatch @ 70% X 3 (drop all)
-L-sit X 10-15 seconds
-pigeon PNF X 15 seconds
B.15:00 block
-back squat @ 32X1 X 6-8
-tuck pull-ups (strict) X 3-8
-foot on rig X 15 seconds ea
C.@ 90%
Run 3:00; rest 3:00
Run 2:00; rest 2:00
Run 1:00

New Cycle Objectives April 2016

-Increase aerobic endurance.
-Develop upper body resiliency through scapular movement awareness and strength.
-Develop balanced single leg squat strength.
-Improve low back and anterior (front) midline strength endurance as well as glute engagement.

-Develop upper body resiliency through scapular movement awareness and strength.
-Develop power production and movement complexity through higher volume Olympic lifting.
-Develop aerobic endurance.
-Develop structural/positional stability through slow tempo barbell training.
-Develop midline and lumbar strength-endurance.

Friday, April 15, 2016


A.for time
200 meter sandbag carry
50 cal row
40 NJ burpees
30 hanging knee raises (above waist)
20 russian swings @ 55/35
200 meter sandbag carry
B1.hollow plank X 15 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds
B2.arched plank X 15 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds

A.12:00 block
-clean and jerk @ 65% X 5
-pigeon PNF X 15 seconds
B.@ Z2 for 20:00
Run 400 meters
Bear crawl 1 lap
20 double unders
Row 400 meters
*do not spend more than 30 seconds on double unders

Thursday, April 14, 2016


A1.back squat @ 32X1 X 5 X 3; rest 30 seconds step-ups (w/d-bells) X 5 ea X 3; rest 90 seconds
*explode up and control down on step-ups--do not alternate
B.12 minutes @ Z2
Row 300 meters
6 hollow rocks
Run 200 meters
15 seconds arched plank

A.10:00 @ 85%
Row 250 meters
10 hindu push-ups
5 tuck jumps over hurdles
6 controlled cossack squats (alt)
Rest 5:00
10:00 @ 85%
Run 200 meters
1-2 strict MUs
1 moderate T-get up each side
10 hollow rocks
10 seconds arched plank

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


A1.russian swings X 20 X 4; rest with bad stretch PNF X 15 seconds ea
A2.protracted ring FLR X 10-20 seconds X 4; rest w/rocking on forearms X 10
B.AMRAP in 10:00
10 hindu push-ups
10 ring rows w/feet elevated
C.Z1 for 5+ minutes

A.15:00 Block
-snatch @ 65% X 5 (drop all)
-6-10 ring push-ups w/RTO
-bad PNF X 15 seconds ea
B.15:00 Block
-split squat @ 30X0 X 6-8 ea
-strict TTB X 3-8
-pec PNF 15 seconds ea
C1.hollow plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 s
C2.arched plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 s

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


A.for time
AD 2 miles
Row 2k
B1.L-hang X 10-20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds
B2.hollow plank X 15 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds
B3.arched plank X 15 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds

*Part 'a' is a new cycle test.

A.AMRAP in 30:00
Row 800 meters
100 meter sandbag carry @ 60/45
20 NJ burpees
6/3 strict pull-ups
5 wall walks
B1.hollow plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds
B2.arched plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds

*Part 'a' is a new cycle test.

Monday, April 11, 2016


New Cycle Tests

Fitness up to the heaviest 3 rep box step-up you can do (each side) while holding dumbbells in both hands.  Note weight each side.
B.AMRAP of knees-to-elbows  in one set.  Multiple attempts ok.  No kipping!
*No knees-to-elbows=max active tuck hang in seconds
C.max hollow plank in seconds
D.max arched plank in seconds
E.max protracted ring FLR hold in seconds 3:00 @ 85% X 3; rest walk 3:00

Performance up to a max 3 rep back squat @ 32X1 up to a max 5 rep split squat (ea side) @ 30X1 --note differences b/t legs if applicable
C.AMRAP strict toes-to-bar in one set--multiple attempts ok-may rest as long as desired while on bar. Set terminates when legs touch floor/box.
D.row 4:00 @ 90% X 2; rest 3:00

Friday, April 08, 2016


Fitness & Performance
@ Highland Rd Park

A.Ball toss w/partner(s) 10:00 + other games
B1.L-sit X 10 seconds X 4
B2. Swan hold X 10-15 seconds X 4 walk ~ 25 feet X 4
C.hill run/sprint X 6; rest/walk to start mobility flow w/tactical breathing

Thursday, April 07, 2016


A1.2-10 strict pull-ups X 4; rest 30 seconds (add weight if over 10)
A2.10 alt lunge steps (w/D-bells) X 4; rest 30 seconds
A3.row 300 meters @ 85% X 4; rest 90 seconds
B.arched plank X 20 seconds X 3; rest as needed

A.power clean and jerk @ 60% X 2 X 5; rest 60 seconds
B.front squat @ 20X0 X 5 X 3; rest 2:00
C1.hollow plank X 20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds
C2.arched plank X 20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds

Wednesday, April 06, 2016


Fitness to a 1RM OHP (re-test from beginning of cycle)
B. 3 rounds for time (re-test from beginning of cycle)
Run 400 meters
20 russian swings @ 55/35
20 box step-ups
100 meter sandbag carry @ 60/45

A.snatch @ 60% X 2 X 5; rest 60 seconds and drop all
B1.1-3 MUs X 4; rest 60 seconds
B2.3-6 Belly-to-wall HSPUs X 4; rest 90 seconds 60 seconds @ 90% X 2; rest 90 seconds
C2.row 60 seconds @ 90% X 2; rest 90 seconds

Tuesday, April 05, 2016


A.In 10:00, work to a 5 RM front squat (re-test from beginning of cycle).
B.AMRAP of strict pull-ups in 1 set (re-test from beginning of cycle)
C.for 10-15:00 @ Z2
row or AD 60 seconds
100 meter farmer’s carry
Bear crawl 1 lap

A.Max single leg triple jump (each side)
*compare to 030116 (re-test from beginning of cycle)
B.4 sets @ 90%
Row 200 meters
10 DLs @ 115/85
10 over the bar burpees
10 wall ball shots
Rest 90 seconds b/t sets

Friday, Friday, Friday!

All training sessions on Friday, April 8 will be held at Highland Rd. Park (weather permitting).  Please meet at the pull-up bars near the pavilion.

*In the event of inclement weather, meet at TPG.

Monday, April 04, 2016


A1.KB/DB OHP @ X020 X 10-12 X 3; rest 10 seconds
A2.Dive Bomber push-ups X AMRAP-2 (slowly) X 3; rest 30 seconds
A3.deadlift @ X021 (re-set) X 5-3-2; rest 2:00 20 seconds @ 90% X 10; rest 20 seconds

Performance to a 3 RM CGBP @ 20X0
B.for time
Row 1,600 meters
Run 1,600 meters
*Compare to 022916
**use same course as first test.

Friday, April 01, 2016


A.for time
Row 1,000 meters
35 jump squats
25 DB STOH @ 25/15
15 ring pull-ups
Run 800 meters
B.Z1 for 5:00

A.4 rounds for time
7/4 strict pull-ups
9 OHSQs @ 95/55
Run 400 meters
B.Z1 for 5:00