Wednesday, June 04, 2014


A. In 8:00 or less,work to a 1RM  overhead press.
rest 4-6 minutes
B. AMRAP of overhead press @ X030 @ 85% of part ‘a’ weight.
C1. run 200 meters X 4; rest 20 seconds
C2. ring superman X 6-10 seconds X 4; rest 30 seconds

A1. strict handstand push-ups X 5-8 X 5; rest 30 seconds
A2. strict pull-ups (CTB if possible) X 5-8 X 5; rest 2:00
B1. L-sit X 6-10 seconds X 4; rest 30 seconds
B2. side plank X 20 seconds each side X 4; rest 75 seconds

*Use EROM and added weight (pull-ups) if you can exceed reps w/ prescribed ROM (including strict CTB).

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