Monday, August 08, 2016


A1.pull-ups X 5-6 X 3; rest 0 seconds
A2.seated hip internal rotation PNF X 15 seconds ea X 3; rest 60 seconds
*No pull-ups = 10-20s holds.
**More than 12 strict pull-ups= add weight
B1.heavy suitcase carry 100 meters (switch ½ way) X 3; rest 20 seconds
B2.10-20 tennis ball wall bounces to catch X 3; rest 0 seconds
B3.10 hollow rocks X 3; rest 60 seconds
*catch and throw w/same side--do not throw against door

A.hang snatch @ 60-65% X 2 X 5; rest 45 seconds and drop all
B.EMOM for 10 sets
-2-4 alternating pistols
C1.heavy farmer’s carry X 100 meters X 3; rest 20 seconds
C2. L-sit X 6 seconds.6 seconds X 3; rest 75 seconds

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