Thursday, August 04, 2016


A.1-2 strict pull-up ladders X 3-4; rest as needed
B1.50 meter front rack carry (heavy) X 3; rest 30 seconds
B2.front plank X 20-30 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds
B3.10-20 tennis ball wall bounces to catch X 3; rest 90 seconds
*1 seconds pause @ bottom of pull-ups.
**add weight if max pull-ups is greater than 10
***catch and throw w/opposite sides

A.hang clean @ 60-65% X 2 X 5; rest 45 seconds and drop all
B.shrimp squat X 5 ea X 3; rest 90 seconds (decrease ROM to get reps if necessary)
C.10:00 block
-KB/DB rack carry (moderate to heavy) X 50 meters
-side plank X 20 seconds ea
-bad stretch X 15 seconds ea

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