Tuesday, December 12, 2017


A.4 sets
AB 90 seconds or row 350 meters (alternating)
-walk 60 seconds
-2 get-ups ea side
-10 layouts from quadruped (alt)
-12 hollow rocks
-rest 60 seconds
B.pike to plow X 10 (slow)
-glute bridge w/hands under feet X 10 breaths
-breathe @ 4484 w/wave tension

A.4 sets
-clean and jerk X 2 (drop all)
-12 rocks + 60-90 seconds rest
*Start @ ~75% and increase as able.
B.snatch balance + 2 OHSQs X 5; rest w/12 windshield wipers + 30 seconds rest
C.3 sets
-15 hollow rocks
-5 slow knees-to-elbows
-ring superman X 10 seconds
-10 rolls from sphinx
D.breathe @ 4484 w/wave tension

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