Friday, June 23, 2017


A.30 minute block
-15 d-bell front squats
-90/90 rotation X 6 (alternate)
-3-5 bar dips
-10-15 hollow rocks
-special shoulder #2 X 20 seconds ea
-60 seconds of bear/crab crawl (mix and match)
-thoracic bridge X 15 seconds ea
-special shoulder #2 X 60 seconds ea
-floor german hang X 30 seconds
-elevated child’s pose X 30 seconds

A.thruster X 5 X 5; rest 30 seconds-start @ ~ 40% of front squat for first set and add weight each set.
B.15:00 Block
-5 supinated pull-ups
-8-12 ring push-ups w/RTO
-30 seconds of hollow plank (hollow body hold)
-special shoulder #1 X 20 seconds ea
-elevated child’s pose X 10 deep breaths
-10-20 toggle rolls
-bretzel X 60 seconds ea
*add weight to pull-ups if max is over 10

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