Thursday, June 08, 2017


A.5 sets-no rush
-10 DB/KB front squats @ 20X0
-OHP @ x010 X 5
-5 hanging knee raises
-bear crawl/crab crawl (switch back and forth) for 60 seconds
-90/90 external rotation X 60 seconds ea
-elevated child’s pose X 10 deep breaths
-special shoulder #2 X 30 seconds ea

A1.tuck front lever X 15 seconds X 3; rest w/child’s pose X 20 seconds
A2.planche lean on P.lettes X 15 seconds X 3; rest w/90/90 external rotation  X 20 seconds ea
B.5 sets-do not rush
-front squat @ 20X0 X 2
-5-10 supinated pull-ups (strict)
-10-15 p.lette push-ups w/feet elevated
*first set of front squats @ 70% and add weight each set if possible
**more than 10 strict pull-up max=add weight
-90/90 internal rotation X 60 seconds ea

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