Monday, November 28, 2016


New Cycle testing

A.Record your max tuck sit in seconds.
B.Record your max L-hang in seconds.
C. 3,200 meters anyway
*Run and row for 3,200 total meters.  Break it up as you wish.  You must perform at least 800 meters of each modality.  Record your time and how you partitioned it.

A.AMRAP push-ups in 2:00
rest 2:00
B.AMRAP strict pull-ups (pronated)
rest 2:00
C.AMRAP close grip bench press @ 80% body weight (males) and 65% body weight (females)
rest 2:00
D.AMRAP strict bar dips
rest as needed b/t ‘d’ and ‘e’
E. deadlift @ 60% X 1 X 15; rest 10-20 seconds b/t reps-drop all
*’e’is not a test

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