Sunday, March 15, 2009

MovNat in Men's Health

Here is a link to an article about MovNat. This relates to a post I had a week or two ago about the resurgence of Georges Hebert's Methode Naturelle. MovNat is Erwan Le Corre's version.

Some of my favorite quotes from the piece:
"The specialization we enjoy today, be it as a marathoner or a tennis player -- even a triathlete -- is a luxury of modern society." E. Paul Zehr, Ph.D

"You never see your dog running nonstop around and around in a circle for an hour," he points out. "If he did, you'd think there was something wrong with him. Instead, he'll chase something, roll around, sprint, rest, mix things up. Animal play has a purpose, and it's not hard to surmise that human play should as well." E. Paul Zehr, Ph.D

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