Wednesday, December 28, 2016


A1.6-10 hanging knee circles X 3;  rest with wrestler’s bridge X 10 alternating (slow)
A2.shoulder shrugs in tuck L position X 5-10 X 3; rest w/10 slow bootstrappers
B.EMOM for 9 sets
rotate through…
AD 30 seconds @ 90%
row 30 seconds @ 90%
run 30 seconds @ 90%
*you will do 3 sets of each modality.  9 sets total.

A.deadlift @ 70% X 1 X 12; rest 10-40 seconds b/t reps
B.9 sets E2MO2M (rotate)--every 2 minutes on 2 minutes
-close grip push-ups X AMRAP-2
-pull-ups X ⅓ max reps
-run 200 meters @ 90% or AD .3 miles
*you will do 3 sets of each modality.  9 sets total

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