Wednesday, October 04, 2017


A.15-12-9-6-3 for time
*Complete a 100 meter sandbag run after each set of burpees. Tester ends w/final run after the set of 3. 5 runs total.
B.3 sets
hang 30 seconds
12 hollow rocks
child’s pose X 6 breaths
C.breathe on back 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

A.3 sets
-snatch grip DL @ 1111 X 5
-ring push-ups w/RTO X 6-10
-special shoulder #1 X 5 breaths ea
-push-ups @ 1111 X AMRAP-2
-twisting lunge X 5 breaths ea
-run or row 800 meters @ 85%
-walk 30-45 seconds
*must run and row
B.down dog x 10 breaths
up dog X 5 breaths
seated spinal twist X 10 breaths
breathe on back 4-7-8 for 3-5:00

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