Monday, July 31, 2017


A.5 sets barefoot
-slalom jump rope X 20 seconds
-PVC balance X 20 seconds
B.20:00 Block (barefoot)
-10 alternating lunge steps (hold D-bells to sides)
-overhead press (barbell) @ 1111 X 3-5
-6-8 pull-ups
-bad X 6 breaths ea
-special shoulder #2 X 6 breaths ea
C.OA lat X 10 breaths ea
-90/90 internal rotation X 10 breaths ea
D.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00

*coach note: slalom jump rope is simply jumping side to side slightly while you jump rope

A.deadlift @ X1drop X 1 X 6; rest w/5-10 rocks and 15 s belly-to-wall HS hold-start @ 75% and add as desired
B.20:00 Block
-ring push-ups w/RTO @ 2111 X 6-10
-4 backwards shoulder rolls ea side (from sitting)
-bad X 5 breaths ea
-run 2:30 @ 85%
-walk 30 seconds
-foot on rig 20 seconds ea
C.single leg seiza X 5 breaths ea
-special shoulder 32 x 10 breaths ea
D.breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3:00

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