Wednesday, May 31, 2017


A.In 10:00, work to a heavy 2 rep front squat @ 20X0
B..DB/KB  OH press (2 bells)  @ X020 X 8 X 4; rest 60 seconds
C.3 sets
-5 reps of inch worm
-5 hanging knee raises (passive shoulders)
-side plank X 20 seconds ea
run or row 60 seconds @ Z2
-90/90 internal rotation X 60 seconds ea
-special shoulder 31 X 60 seconds ea
-sphinx X 30 seconds

A1.strict TTB X 6-10 X 4; rest w/wrestler’s bridge X 10 (alt)
A2.tuck sit  X 15-20 seconds X 4; rest w/toggle roll X 10-20
B.20 minute Tempo MAP
-15 russian swings
-10 burpees
-10 wall ball shots
-AB or row 20 seconds fast
-OA lat stretch X 30 seconds ea
-bretzel X 60 seconds ea
-child’s pose X 60 seconds

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