Thursday, January 26, 2017


A.3 broad jumps on mat X 4; rest w/ single leg seiza X 30 seconds
B1.pike push-ups X 6-8 X 4; rest w/table X 30 seconds
B2.supinated  pull-up X 6-10 X 4; rest w/elevated child’s pose X 20 seconds
B3.crawl (bear and crab) for 60 seconds X 4; rest 30 seconds

A.Barbell Complex X 3; rest 60 seconds and add weight ea set if possible
-5 deadlifts
-5 hang power cleans into push press
-5 bent over rows
B1.front squat @ 20X0 X 6-8 X 3; rest 30 seconds
B2.1-3 strict MUs X 3; rest w/table X 30 seconds
B3.15-20 Hollow rocks x 3; rest w/bad stretch X 20 seconds ea breathe

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