Tuesday, January 10, 2017


A.AMRAP Russian Swings in 3:00 @ 55/35
rest 3 minutes b/t ‘a’ and ‘b’
B.AMRAP push-ups in 2:00
Note:  Regress push-ups as necessary, however encourage student to record the regression for re-testing purposes.  The only allowed resting positions are the front leaning rest (FLR) or up dog.  No resting at the bottom or hand release style push-ups.
rest 3:00 b/t ‘b’ and ‘c’
C.3 rounds for time
10 wall ball shots @ 20/14
10 NJ burpees
30 jump rope reps
D.post breathing

A.100 meter shuttle run for time.
rest 3-5:00
B.run 2 miles for time.
C.30 second hollow plank X 3; rest 30 seconds
D.single leg seiza 30 seconds each and foot on rig 30 seconds ea
E.post breathing

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