Wednesday, March 18, 2015


B.deadlift @ TNG X 8 X 3; rest 2:00
C1.CGBP @ 20X0 X 8-10 X 3; rest 30 seconds
B2.pull-ups @ X130 X 6-8 X 3; rest 30 seconds
B3.table-to-plow X 8 X 3; rest 90 seconds

*Use extra weight for pull-ups if you can hold tempo and perform prescribed reps.

A1.L-sit X 10 seconds X 4; rest 45 seconds
A2.strict TTB X 6-8 X 4; rest 45 seconds
A3.odd sets=run 200 meters fast (not a sprint)
even=row 250/200 meters fast
X4; rest 2:00
20 low gait PVC pass throughs
40 seconds ring side plank each side
90 seconds hollow plank
*Partition and rest part 'b' as desired.

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