Monday, March 16, 2015


A1.split squat @ 30X0 X 6-8 X 3; rest 30 seconds
A2.single arm KB/DB press @ X110 X 6-8 X 3; rest 30 seconds
A3.barbell bent over row @ X010 X 6-8 X 3; rest 90 seconds
B.4 sets Fast (not a sprint)
6 jump squats
run 100 meters fast
walk/recover ~2:00
*jump high on jump squats
C1.single leg hamstring PNF X 45 seconds each X 1; rest 30 seconds
C2.loaded dorsi flexion X 60 seconds each X 1

A.EMOM for 12 sets
odd sets:2 snatches (moderate and fast-drop each)
even sets:6-8 ring rows
B1.jump squats (back squat bar position) @ 31X1 X 3 X 3; rest 30 seconds dips @ 20X0 X 6-8 X 3; rest 90 seconds
*add weight to dips if necessary.
C.single arm external rotations @ 3010 X 6-8 X 2; rest as needed

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