Friday, January 09, 2015


A1.AMRAP jumping lunges in 30 seconds X 3; rest 2:30
A2.Row 30 seconds all out X 3; rest 2:30
B1.PVC low gait pass throughs X 8-10 X 3; rest 20 seconds
B2.trap 3 raise X 5 each X 3; rest 45 seconds

A.clean pull @ 120% of clean X2 X 4; rest 90 seconds
B.hang clean @ 70% of clean X 2 X 4; rest 90 s
C1.strict toes-to-bar X 6-8 X 3; rest 45 seconds
C2.feet elevated planche progression X 12 seconds X 3; rest 60 seconds
D.cuban rotations @ 4020 X 5 X 2; rest as needed

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