Friday, September 09, 2016


3 sets @ 85%
10 burpees
run 200 meters
10 sandbag GTS @ 60/45
10 ring rows
row 200 meters
jump rope 50 reps
rest 2:00 b/t sets

A.for total reps/cals
1:00 AB for cals
1:00 thrusters @ 95/55
1:00 pull-ups
1:00 burpees over the bar
1:00 row for cals
1:00 DUs
1:00 wall ball shots
Rest 1:00
Run 200 meters
*Clock runs the whole time (does not stop for transition).
**take your 200 meter time (in seconds) and subtract the number of seconds it took you to run it from your total reps on the previous work.

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