Friday, August 14, 2015


A1.2 broad jumps X 3; rest as needed
A2.forward roll X 2-3 X 3; rest as needed
B1.archer ring rows @ X020 X 8-10 alt X 3; rest 20 seconds
B2.front squat @ 32X1 X 5-7 X 3; rest 0
B3.thoracic bridge X 10 seconds ea X 3; rest 60 seconds

A1.hollow plank X 10 seconds X 3; rest 0
A2.wall line drill X 15-20 seconds X 3; rest 15s
A3.tuck jumps X 3 X 3; rest as needed
B.clean and jerk @ 60% X 3 X 4 (drop all); rest as needed
C1.1 and ½ strict pull-ups X 5-10 X 3; rest 20 seconds
C2.P.lette L-sit X 10 seconds X 3; rest 0
C3.thoracic bridge X 10 seconds ea X 3; rest 60 seconds

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