Tuesday, April 19, 2016


A.10:00 @ 85%
Run 200 meters
10 OHSQs @ 45/35
5/3 pull-ups
Rest 5:00
10:00 @ 85%
Row 200 meters
10 P.lette push-ups
5 sandbag GTS
B.12-15 hollow rocks X 2; rest 30 seconds
C.arched plank X 20 seconds X 2; rest 20 seconds

A.3 rounds for time
run/row 800 meters
10 sandbag get-ups @ 60/45
20 box step-ups @ 24/20
B1.hollow plank X 20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds
B2.arched plank X 20 seconds X 3; rest 20 seconds

*Student chooses to either run twice and row once or row twice and run once.  Must alternate.

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