Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The First ME Workout & How-to Primer

Here's the first in this series.

back squat 3 X 5 (3 sets of 5)
dumbbell overhead press 3 X 5

The Procedure
Warm-up with joint mobility and movement stuff. I like to perform a round or two of the following:

squat or lunge variation
push variation (push-up, dip, etc.)
pull variation (pull-up, etc.)
torso flexion (sit-up variation)
torso extension (back extension, good morning, etc.)

Do a light jog, stint on the bike or something else to get warm if you like.

The prescribed set and rep scheme refers to your work sets. I recommend doing 2-3 warm-up sets prior to this. I always start very light (the bar) and get progressively heavier as I approach my work sets.

Your work sets need to be challenging but not epic! Don't go to failure.

Rest at least 90 seconds but closer to two minutes between each set.

I recommend recording the weight you lift, reps, etc. for these workouts.

I will occasionally throw in a brief, optional metabolic workout at the end.

Always take into account the fact you do not train in a vacuum removed from your life. Stress, lack of sleep, bad diet and the rest can take their toll. Sometimes, you just need to relax and not workout. The world will not come crashing down as a result;)

Per Dwayne's excellent suggestion, I will post the workout in a folder and leave it at the front for those who have tricky internet access. I'll tell you exactly where it will be tomorrow (7/2/08).

I will provide coaching on the two movements for this week's ME workout tomorrow as well.

Thank you all for your continued dedication and effort.

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