Monday, October 23, 2017


A.15:00 Block
-deadlift @ 1111 X 3
-OH press @ 1111 X 8
-10 slow windshield wipers (alt)
-90/90 rotations X 8 (alt-relaxed)
B.row 175 meters X 90% X 5; rest 90 seconds w/20 quadruped rocks during rest
C.special shoulder #2 X 10 breaths ea
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3-5:00

A.3 sets @ 85%
row 500 meters
15 NJ burpees
10 TTB
15 wall ball shots
10-50 DUs
rest/walk 3:00 b/t sets
B.OA lat X 10 breaths ea
-IND w/hands under feet X 10 breaths
-wrestler's bridge X 20 (alt)
-breathe on back 3-12-6 for 3-5:00

*note: Select DU # that can be accomplished in ~ 60 seconds or less.  Take into account your current DU ability.

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