Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball, 10/9 ft. target
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
This workout primarily tests aerobic power as well as muscular endurance through repetition 240 (the final double under). Once the athlete gets to the muscle-ups, this tester becomes a creatine phosphate stamina test as more overall contractile force is necessary to successfully complete a muscle-up than is required for the previous movements. The high number of eccentric contractions (squats) means that this test may lead to significant delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in many athletes.
My advice is to make your first set of wall ball shots your largest. Do not redline or go anywhere near muscular failure. Then, break the remaining wall ball shots into manageable sets (preferably of 10 or more). Obviously, the specific numbers are unique to the athlete. Remember your wall ball technical cues.
Upon reaching the double unders, make sure you maintain your composure if you miss. Throwing a fit (internally OR externally) is a terrible waste of energy. Breathe. Spin. Jump.
Most athletes will need b/t 20-30 seconds to adequately clear lactate and re-synthesize ATP to have success with muscle-ups. The main fault I observe is the tendancy for athletes new to muscle-ups (particularly muscle-ups while in a fatigued state) to get on the rings before they are ready. Chalk up. Switch mental gears from a low contractile, cyclic movement (double unders) to a movement that will require more concentration per repetition. It is similar to transferring from burpees to a heavy snatch. I can provide advice for volume per set at the gym. Breathe. Focus.
Small protein and carb meal 90 minutes-2 hours before. Protein and carb immediately after (liquid ok). Protein, carb and fat meal 60 minutes after. Something with some sodium/electrolytes if you eat a strict paleo/ancestral diet. Perhaps coconut water/sea salt on your food.
Have fun!