Tuesday, March 26, 2013


AMRAP in 20 minutes @ 85% of MPE

20 box jumps @ 24/20 (step down)
20 kb swings @55/35
20 squats
20 push-ups (release)
run 200 meters
rest 60 seconds

*The 20 minutes includes rest times.


A. Work up to ~ 80% of you 1RM clean.  Then--1 X 5 clean @ 80% EMOM
B. front squat @ 75% X 5 X 3; rest 2:00
C. ring rows X 10-15 X 3; rest 60 seconds

Friday, March 22, 2013

Open 13.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball, 10/9 ft. target
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

This workout primarily tests aerobic power as well as muscular endurance through repetition 240 (the final double under).  Once the athlete gets to the muscle-ups, this tester becomes a creatine phosphate stamina test as more overall contractile force is necessary to successfully complete a muscle-up than is required for the previous movements.  The high number of eccentric contractions (squats) means that this test may lead to significant delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in many athletes.  

My advice is to make your first set of wall ball shots your largest.  Do not redline or go anywhere near muscular failure.  Then, break the remaining wall ball shots into manageable sets (preferably of 10 or more).  Obviously, the specific numbers are unique to the athlete.  Remember your wall ball technical cues.

Upon reaching the double unders, make sure you maintain your composure if you miss.  Throwing a fit (internally OR externally) is a terrible waste of energy.  Breathe.  Spin.  Jump.  

Most athletes will need b/t 20-30 seconds to adequately clear lactate and re-synthesize ATP to have success with muscle-ups.  The main fault I observe is the tendancy for athletes new to muscle-ups (particularly muscle-ups while in a fatigued state) to get on the rings before they are ready.  Chalk up.   Switch mental gears from a low contractile, cyclic movement (double unders) to a movement that will require more concentration per repetition.  It is similar to transferring from burpees to a heavy snatch.  I can provide advice for volume per set at the gym. Breathe.  Focus.

Small protein and carb meal 90 minutes-2 hours before.  Protein and carb immediately after  (liquid ok).  Protein, carb and fat meal 60 minutes after.  Something with some sodium/electrolytes if you eat a strict paleo/ancestral diet.  Perhaps coconut water/sea salt on your food.

Have fun!


A. clean @ 55% X 2 X 8 EMOM
B. @ 85% of MPE
2 sets
AD 60 seconds for calories
rest 60 seconds
run 200 meters
rest 60 seconds
row 250 meters
rest 60 seconds


@ 85% of MPE

A.3 sets 30/30 (30 seconds on/30 seconds off)
wall ball shots @ 20/14
rest 30 seconds
burpee (no jump)
rest 30 seconds

rest 3 minutes after the final burpee

B. 3 sets 30/30
double unders
rest 30 seconds
HTF sit-ups (butterfly)
rest 30 seconds

rest 3 minutes after final sit-up

C. 10 turkish get-ups (moderate weight/5 each side)
run 600 meters

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


A. In 10 minutes, work to a heavy 2 repetition snatch.
B. overhead press X 3 X 3; rest 2:00 (start moderately heavy--increase weight each set)
C1. 20 hollow rocks X 3; rest 15 seconds
C2. side plank (L & R) X 30 seconds each X 3; rest 60 seconds

Open 13.2

10 minute AMRAP of:
5 Shoulder to overhead, 115 / 75 lbs
10 Deadlift, 115 / 75 lbs
15 Box jump, 24 / 20 inch


A.split jerk X 2 X 8 EMOM @ 55% of jerk
B. 2 sets @ 85% mpe
run 400 meters; rest 90 seconds
row 500 meters; rest 90 seconds
AD 2 minutes (calories); rest 90 seconds

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


@85%-90% of MPE

30-20-10 reps
thrusters @ 65/45
double unders

rest 3 minutes

21-15-9 reps 
deadlift @ 155/105 
push-ups (release)

rest 3 minutes

run 800 meters

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


A. In 10 minutes, work up to a heavy 2 repetition power clean.
B. In 10 minutes, work up to a heavy 3 repetition back squat.
C. 5-20 pull-ups EMOM X 3 (attempt to maintain the same number unbroken throughout)

Thursday, March 07, 2013

13.1 Analysis

17 minute AMRAP of:
40 Burpees
30 Snatch, 75 / 45 lbs
30 Burpees
30 Snatch, 135 / 75 lbs
20 Burpees
30 Snatch, 165 / 100 lbs
10 burpees
Max rep Snatch, 210 / 120 lbs

This workout tests the aerobic power system as well as the stamina of the creatine phosphate system.  For those lacking horizontal pressing endurance, there will be a muscular endurance component within the burpees.

The tester begins with an aerobic power piece.  The goal will be to go as quickly as possible without delving into anaerobic land.  For most athletes, the first weight (along with burpees immediately after) will be light enough to sustain this aerobic power focus.  The second tier of the snatch ladder will result in a creatine stamina focus.  Your breathing will not be as rapid. Some athletes will do a portion of this touch-and-go.  A majority of athletes need to approach this as a cluster.

Participants who have a relatively high absolute snatch force production capacity along with a well developed aerobic engine will perform the best.  The well developed aerobic engine (think MAP training) allows for the quick recovery necessary to express the CP system (think cluster).  You will see plenty of athletes out there with great snatch 1RMs who under perform as a result of a substandard aerobic base.  

Fueling suggestions   

Don't do anything you haven't attempted in training.  This is not the time to try that herbal tea your grandmother picked up on a street corner in Indonesia.  The energy system demands are not overly glycolytic, so for most folks 20-25 grams of carbs and 20 g of protein 1.5-2 hours prior should be fine.  No fat 2 hours prior (slows gastric emptying).  If you like coffee/caffeine, 30 minutes-1 hour prior would be good to stimulate the CNS (important for the snatch).  You want to go in with an optimal level of arousal.  You don't want to be panicking, however you should not feel as though you are about to take a nap.  

Have fun!

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


@ 85% of mpe

AMRAP in 10 minutes
run 600 meters then w/time remaining...
10 kb swings @ 55/35
12 wall ball shots @ 20/14
14 burpees (no jump)

rest 5 minutes

AMRAP in 10 minutes
row 700 meters then w/time remaining...
STOH @ 85/45
9 box jumps @ 24/20
12 HTF sit-ups (butterfly)

Tuesday, March 05, 2013


A. In 14 minutes, work to a heavy 3 repetition clean and jerk.
B. weighted pull-ups X 5 X 3; rest 2 minutes
C. accumulate 120 seconds in front leaning rest on the rings


for 20-30 minutes @ recovery intensity (60% MPE)

row 500 meters
10 hindu push-ups
5-7 reps hang power snatch w/pvc or bar
10 ring rows
run 400 meters
60 seconds of inversion practice (athlete/coach choose)
4-D plank--20 seconds each
AD 60 seconds
pigeon--20 seconds each

Friday, March 01, 2013


A. front squat X 3-10-3-10; rest 2:00
B1. AMRAP-1 muscle-ups X 5; rest 30 seconds
B2. 60 seconds of alternating pistols X 5; rest 90 seconds